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While Gohan just intercepted a blast that would have killed Vegeta. Goku was able to blast Cell's upperbody away despite being less than half his strength. But F/Z Gilgamesh is a very different story. It is very similar to the original form in appearance and attainment; however, the power output is far greater, as speed, strength, and energy output all drastically increase.

The Cell Juniors are Destroyed"), previously titled "The Unleashing", is the twentieth episode of the Cell Games Saga and the one hundred eighty-fifth overall episode in the uncut Dragon Ball Z series. "Awakening" (吹ふき荒あれる真しんの力パワー! The reason why Super Saiyan didn't get to his head was due to Gohan having trained with Goku and feeling humbled by his own achievement, but once Super Saiyan 2 was his and nobody else at the Cell Games, the inner child soldier who became a warrior began to kill. IMO Yes. Gohan would fight fairly evenly at first and Goku would still taunt Cell that Gohan has a stronger form when he gets "Really Angry!" No, they got 10.Gohan was not a pacifist, only conceited and apathetic, which culminated in his arrogance.

If … Super Saiyan Rage's aura is similar to that of the Super Saiyan Blue form. He was also distraught from having Goku (and Trunks) die. Perhaps Cell kills Gohan, and Goku or Trunks achieve Super Saiyan 2 instead.I'm not sure Cell would try to bring out Gohan's rage in this scenario.Well if he fought more seriously, there's a chance he'd get a trigger on his own from seeing himself "Fail", have a vision of Cell torturing everyone he loves and goes SSJ2, and ends it before the Cell Jr.s pop up.I don't think much changes honestly. That means SSJB2/SSJB3 x 2 or e... Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Super Saiyan 2 (超スーパーサイヤ人じん2ツー, Sūpā Saiya-jin Tsū), initially referred to as Super Saiyan Fifth Grade at the time of its debut, though referred to as "Ascended Super Saiyan" in the Funimation dub only, is the direct successor to the first Super Saiyan transformation.

That sweet talk that he gave was just a sign that he could not come to terms with his own power unless he transformed. Gotta remember that it was Cell's ego that was his own undoing.

Gohan is still quite a bit stronger than Super Perfect Cell. 3 days ago.

Cell saga gohan.

My FC is 4957-4763-9094 (Pokemon Sun) PS3: hellfighter45 D3:UE, Xenoverse 1 "Anger Exploding Into Power!! Fate zero gilgamesh only. Seru Junia Funsai, lit. Then instead of taking it easy on a Gohan that IS going all out, Cell just amps up to full power and still treats Gohan like a ragdoll, makes Cell Juniors and Ultimately kills Android 16: Poof.DBS (TV series) is inconsistent because there's 4 producers and 6 different writers. !セルジュニア粉ふん砕さい, Fukiareru Shin no Chikara!! He didn't do it earlier against Cell out of pleasure.SSJ Gohan would still lose but the fight would be more flashier. Increased energy radiation causes the Gohan's brief Super Saiyan 2 transformation in the Hyperbolic Time ChamberThe Super Saiyan 2 is twice as strong as regular Super Saiyan,Goku coins the form for the first time as "Super Saiyan 2"The power of the Super Saiyan 2 form skyrockets far beyond the power of the Super Saiyan, Gohan demonstrates his Super Saiyan 2 form to KibitoGotenks has been shown as Super Saiyan 2 twice in the anime series, although both times were the ones that he was powering up to Super Saiyan 3 transformation, thus his Super Saiyan 2 was seen briefly in those occasions.

Nope If he could use SSJB2 and SSJB3 he could put on top of SSJB2 and SSJB3 Kaioken again. Forum Posts. Its original American airdate was December 13, 2000.

Then instead of taking it easy on a Gohan that IS going all out, Cell just amps up to full power and still treats Gohan like a ragdoll, makes Cell Juniors and Ultimately kills Android 16: Poof.

I don't disagree that SSJ2 Gohan solos FSN. Future Trunks' powers up his Super Saiyan 2 form to Super Saiyan 3 level powerAs displayed by Vegeta the Super Saiyan 2 form can be substantially amplified in power through rage, this ability is called the Through a massive amount of rage, a user of the Super Saiyan 2 state can power it up into Super Saiyan Rage. Not Gohan's "pacisfism" that allowed for SSJ2.

SSJ2 Gohan had the power to kill Cell.
That means SSJB2/SSJB3 x 2 or even SSJB2/SSJB3 x 20. Some users like Gohan, Goku, Vegito, and Bardock have some of their bangs go up with the rest of the hair. Because of the intense emotion required to initiate the transformation, any The power output emitted by this form is greatly increased as well, as it doubles the strength of the regular Super Saiyan transformation.The golden hair brought on by the original transformation becomes spikier and stands up even more. Follow 323. When Cell came back stronger, he also came back at 100% energy/stamina.

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. As Gohan ascends into his ultimate state, Goku uses Super Saiyan 2 to battle Gohan. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest.

It is stated in In the anime, Vegeta's fight against Beerus punch to Vegeta's cheek, which makes him rotate really fast, but Vegeta surprises him with a double handed punch, sending Beerus up above the Super Saiyan 2 Future Trunks impressed to see Goku as Super Saiyan 3Caulifla moments after transforming into Super Saiyan 2 for the first timeDuring Gohan and Goku's sparring session. NexoTV4 wrote: Nope If he could use SSJB2 and SSJB3 he could put on top of SSJB2 and SSJB3 Kaioken again. This episode first aired in Japan on May 12, 1993. Imagine these guys trying to order 1 kind of pizza.