Walking through virtually deserted streets with Kodak (my dog) yesterday, I had this strange feeling that it was all a dream and soon enough I’d be waking up. In Dallas for the moment. March 19, 2020. deep thoughts, uncertainty of our own situation, only hoping the best for our beloved ones. This is Sophie’s last day going in.
Caroline going back to work at A&E this afternoon.”“A few months ago I paid casual attention to what was going on in Wuhan. I find it also funny that they talk about the "Corona V Itacaré. Our 17-year old son, Milligan, is going stir-crazy already, after his college closed it’s doors yesterday until further notice; particularly problematic because he’s supposed to be taking his ‘A’ levels in June. We arrived on Feb 20th, our return flight is still confirmed for May 18th. I took this opportunity to photograph her. We will do our best to shield you from the worst of these times. The situation is only starting to get worse and schools, cafes, cinemas, etc, have closed this week. Brighton. I'm not going to go to restaurants or bars or socialize with more than a few people from this point onwards. ( The other pictures attached show the moment, this morning, when she received news that her degree show has been cancelled (not postponed, but cancelled altogether)... a bitter blow since she’s been preparing her installation for months. We feel deeply for her. USA. Consultez les classements des personnalités tel que les stars les plus riches, les plus suivies sur Instagram ou Youtube ou encore les mieux classées au niveau des ventes de leur livre, album, ...Consultez les derniers commentaires des internautes concernant les personnalités (acteur, actrice, journaliste, sportif, chanteur, chanteuse, ...) présentes sur le site.H-Magnum (feat. It struck me. It was a total schizophrenic reality, Buñuel would have been very proud of Spanish people right before the start of the lockdown. The borough we live in has the second-highest number of confirmed Coronavirus cases in all of the UK and the hospital where you are due to be born might be quite overwhelmed. You could see people carrying tons of toilet paper and also the terraces and parks full of normality due to the nice weather in Madrid. Solidaritude est un mot qu’avait lancé le chanteur canadien Robert Charlebois il y a des décennies. J’étais seul… Lorsqu’Annick est sortie de sa maison, nous avons bavardé (à bonne distance bien sûr...).
Vous pouvez également proposer une célébrité française ou étrangère non présente sur le site pour le moment en cliquant sur (Exemple : Joueur de football, Paris, La Casa de Papel, Kylian Mbappé, ...)Souhaitez l'anniversaire des personnalités nées un jeudi 20 août, elles ont pour signe astrologique du zodiaque Consultez les fiches des célébrités les plus consultées sur le site.
Consultez les dernières publications de la célébrité H Magnum Chanteur en fonction de sa présence sur les réseaux sociaux. At her request, I left the bread I got at the bakery on the low wall separating our gardens.”“This situation makes you observe yourself from up close. From this period, I have a motto that I still claim: All alone together These days, it would be more: All together, but everyone home Fécamp, Normandy, France. I heard solidarity, solitude. Our 21-year old daughter Chilli (she of my Fuji ‘Home project) decided to come home from university at the weekend, and is now our leading crusader for self-isolation, virtually refusing to leave the house at all. I just paid $5 a bottle for tiny bottle of "winter jubilee" hand sanitizer. Popey, Keylargo, Dika, ISK, COR, Cheu-B, Moha K, Kazmi, Decimo, SLK, NKD, BKL &…
I am as curious as scared for discovering how the country is going to manage the situation.
GB. Our antenatal classes where we are learning how to care for you are now conducted via Zoom. But we are now entering another lockdown — in London — and the virus seems to be spreading more aggressively here than in China. I was alone… When Annick came out of her house, we chatted (at a good distance of course…).
(Consultez les fiches des dernières personnalités ajoutées sur le site. Over coming weeks, we’ll be featuring a series of edits of these images, made by project leader Peter van Agtmael , alongside personal notes and reflections from Magnum photographers on how they are experiencing the unfolding situation. President Erdogan is expected to speak later today to announce new measures. This morning Thea made a painting of the whole ‘family’ (everyone who lives in our house) and constantly refers to everything we do as ‘because of the virus’.”y, with my “derogatory travel authorization” in my pocket, one meter away from each client. I am now in Itacaré, a small town by the sea in the North of Brazil, where I live with my husband Bruno. Meanwhile, now that I’ve reached 60 and have an ‘underlying health condition’ (type 2 diabetes) I’m told I’m in the 'at-risk' category. As part of an ongoing photographer-led initiative, Magnum photographers are sharing information, updates, and new work made in these strange and difficult times.“This quarantine feeling of standstill and peace is elusive here… Time to reflect and step out of the hustle and bustle… But instead, full-time in wonderful but nonstop 2-4 year old world, cleaning Legos, making lunches, running outside, etc, etc.”“Standard explanation: My wife looking at her crystal ball to see if we’re going to make through this ordeal.Alternate explanation: My wife using a steam inhaler, which may make things better, or worse, depending on whom you ask.”“Annick has been our neighbor for 25 years now. ( Dallas, Texas. Matter of sensitivity, matter of time too. We marked the occasion with a little bonfire in the back garden and the girls played in the garden house (our Airbnb guests have all cancelled of course). If that is how History is made, it is really confusing, honestly. I am sure it will not produce any pictures that will stand alone and pass the test of time but photography has many uses.“Yesterday was the last day of school so we collected Thea and a bundle of home-schooling leaflets and came home to officially start our isolation. I've got food and supplies for a month, a bit more if I stretch it.
I managed to leave Spain a few days before the lockdown. Consultez les fiches des personnalités dont on parle en moment dans les différents médias.