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Combining a high-waisted fit, sweat-wicking fabric and seamless contours, they’re constructed to ensure confidence and support for a workout, with additional style for good measure. exp. But, if you’ve scrolled past fitness posts that suggest hip dips are a cause for concern and have been wondering whether you should switch up your ‘Hip dips are naturally occurring, inward curves,’ says David Wiener, training specialist for the Freeletics fitness app (‘Hip dips are caused by the shape of your pelvis. We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article. n. hanche [Med.] Entry related to: rotate. hip. Let's look at an example: Example. Double that number to get the waist size of the pants. : Ceinture de hanche (WHR) analyse la relation entre la taille et des hanches des mesures pour vous aider à comprendre … To ensure the quality of comments, you need to be connected. 3 - Waist: Measure around where you normally wear your pants, keeping the tape measure a bit loose or putting one finger between your body and the tape measure. Translations in context of "hip" in English-Romanian from Reverso Context: hip-hop, hip replacement, hip hop, joined at the hip Register Login Text size Help & about العربية Deutsch English Español Français עברית Italiano 日本語 Nederlands Polski Português Română Русский Türkçe 中文 Voir plus d'exemples de traduction Anglais-Français en contexte pour “

4 | StageOne Select Hip Cement Spacer Molds Surgical Technique Filling the Stem Mold Select appropriate stem mold size for making the hip stem cement spacer needed to fill the space vacated by the explanted prosthesis and other explanted material (Figure 4). hip, hip, hip hourrah! Waist measurement: 92cm (36.22 inches) Hip measurement: 112cm (44 inches) To calculate your waist-to-hip ratio: 92 / 112 = 0.82. Then, double that number. This commenting section is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at Women's Health participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. exp. : Waist to hip ratio (WHR) analyzes the relationship between your waist and hip measurements to help you understand your body-type and current health status. Taking over from thigh gaps, Toblerone tunnels & ab cracksHip dips, as in those gentle inward curves found below your hips and above your thighs, are the latest body part that we've seemingly become obsessed with.

n. tour de hanches. Part 1 of 2: Getting an Accurate Hip … hip size translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'size',size',chest size',collar size', examples, definition, conjugation

Female Male Health Risk; 0.80 or lower: 0.95 or lower: Low health risk: 0.81 to 0.84: 0.96 to 1.0: … See also: hip flask, hip joint, hip measurement, hip pocket. See also: hip flask, hip joint, hip measurement, hip pocket. Vous devez calculer votre rapport taille-hanches (tour de taille / hanches, taille). Diccionario Inglés-Español: traducir en Español con nuestros diccionarios en línea Dictionnaire Anglais-Français : traduire du Anglais à Français avec nos dictionnaires en ligne English-French dictionary : translate English words into French with online dictionaries Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. You may be able to find more information on their web site. 3 - Hip size is taken at the strongest place ... 2 - Chest: Take measurements under armpits, around fullest part of chest and shoulder blades. Accurate hip measurements are important for having clothing made or assessing weight loss.