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This step should, by this point, be less cloudy, and less challenging than it was when you were full beta, because now you are part Chad, and Chad can fucking do this!I hope these steps are useful to you. Literally all TRP is about "becoming" chad (you never finish the process but whatever). It’s EARNED confidence and the willingness to be aggressive. Don’t worry about what other people think just say what you want when you want to. Money, cars, clothes, where you work, and being jacked don’t make you alpha. You’ll find both on your path once you commit yourself to it. It must be cared for and emboldened. I’m assuming since you are asking this question you have made the most important first step towards becoming a Chad: acknowledging you have a right to Chadhood and believe Chadhood is obtainable.Take a look around you, what’s the first thing you see? They feel no obligation towards making you a better person, and they challenge you in no way what so ever. Just keep lifting, approaching, and expanding your social circle.

These same friends would likely feel threatened and insecure if you were to fully ascend to Chad status. You are now finding yourself important and worth taking care of, that’s a fundamental Chaddism right there.Step 3, analyze your friend group.

I have done CrossFit for two years before switching to powerlifting. YEAH CROSSFIT!!!!!

Maybe you answered with some inanimate object or your dog or some shit but bro, your body is constantly in your field of vision. … It’s a mindset. Hopefully by this point you have learned how to make goals and follow through by mastering your body, hopefully by now you have learned sacrifice and self reliance by cutting the toxic people from your life.

Speak your mind and say it proudly and loudly. Best you can hope for is to be a Trad. If you see one of your friends in public just be like “yeah man what’s up” and high five them. If your time and budget are limited military push-ups and jumping rope will take you a significant distance.

You will notice as you focus on your daily nutrition, exercise, and mental health that these things have contributed more towards your unhappiness than whatever failures you believe are holding you back. They may try to tear you down even. A warrior without a battle is akin to a man without a purpose; without a soul.

You just need to kick the tendie habit.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castWhere Chads Unite and advocate for good social, mental, and physical health.Press J to jump to the feed. You may even think that’s a good thing. What can you do today that will put you in that direction? Together you become a tide that raises all boats.Step 4: finally find your game. If you had swallowed the RP, you should already be doing all these, and wouldn't have time to ask what else you have to do. A Trad, or TryhardChad is a guy who puts in a lot of effort and becomes something that can come close to a Chad, but he can never be a true Chad. Your body is the very engine that makes your will manifest upon this world. I am 5’10Wtf all that and you’re white? Next: Take a look around you, what’s the first thing you see? It is the first thing you see. *gym membership ship is not a requirement. So step two, get to the gym and start lifting*, analyze your diet, I bet my next protein shake you aren’t getting enough iron in your diet. They love that he’s the BEST basketball player**..You gotta put some thought in, you gotta find out what your game is, and then you gotta get good, son. ARE YOU HURTING YET BRAH!!?? Understand their mentality and their methods. I like guys between 5’5” and 5’8”. Understand their mentality and their methods. Real Chads don’t hang out on Blind discussing TC’s and leetcode. Already have an account?

Chads are humble most of all.Edit: you don’t even need to be fit just act like a bad ass (but not in a gay way where you wear a trench coat and “cool looking clothing”) and don’t act like a dick to people. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. Every single trainer prioritized safety and good form over sweating.So you go out and get laid a bunch. You do not need yes men or even worse “whatever, men”, you do not need bros who just smoke weed, watch rick and Morty with you, and never challenge you. Is it because of your reach * I like girls who are 5’4 to 5’11. Money, cars, clothes, where you work, and being jacked don’t make you alpha. Have real hobbies too. Then what? If he starts off a conversation with a diss of another guy: This is a …

But I want to try to be Chad, to attract those women that do not have promiscuity solved, that want that alpha maleBelieve high achieving women don’t go for Chads or men who think in terms of alpha/beta. Google “bucket of crabs” and ask yourself which one of these mother fucking crabs may need to get stiff armed on your way out the beta bucket? You need to make sure everyone knows when you walk in a room.

I thought you’d be indianNah don’t have that mentality. Talks down every guy in the place.

Picture your ideal self, what does he do for a living?