Les leaders du Mouvement du 5 juin déclarent également tenir pour responsable le pouvoir de toutes les violences. Dicko lernte während des Studiums in Saudi-Arabien den politischen Wahabismus kennen, hält im Gegensatz zu den im Norden operierenden und mit Al-Qaida oder dem Islamischen Staat kooperierenden Extremisten jedoch am malischen Sufismus und seiner mystischen Heiligen-Verehrung fest. IBK is finished," Haidara Assetou Cisse, a teacher, told Reuters news agency, referring to the president by his initials. A ces deux endroits, des coups de feu ont été entendus.
© 2020 Copyright RFI - Tous droits réservés. Der ehemalige Chef des „Hohen Islamischen Rates“ gilt als die entscheidende Figur des malischen Bürgeraufstands, mit dem der Rücktritt des seit sieben Jahren regierenden IBK gefordert wird. Doch im vergangenen Jahr wandte er sich enttäuscht von dem wirkungslosen Staatenlenker ab. "We can tell you that the president and the prime minister are under our control," the leader, who requested anonymity, told AFP.He added that the pair had been "arrested" at Keita's residence in Bamako.>Another military official, who also declined to be named, said the president and prime minister were in an armoured vehicle en route to Kati.Reuters news agency has reported, citing two security sources, that Keita has been arrested by mutinying soldiers in Bamako.The arrest came after soldiers mutinied at the Kati army base and rounded up a number of senior civilian and military officials, according to Reuters.French President Emmanuel Macron discussed the soldiers' mutiny in Mali on Tuesday with his Malian counterpart and other West African leaders, expressing his support for mediation efforts by the ECOWAS regional bloc, the presidency in Paris said.Macron discussed the unfolding situation with Keita and the leaders of Niger, Ivory Coast and Senegal, and "condemned the attempted mutiny under way," the Elysee Palace said in a statement.   The French presidency did not say precisely when Macron's talks with the African leaders took place.In Bamako, hundreds of people have poured into the square around the Independence Monument, the site of mass protests since June, calling for Keita to quit over alleged corruption and worsening security. Des forces de défense et de sécurité ont été déployées, notamment sur les principaux axes de circulation, rapporte notre correspondant à Bamako, Après le rassemblement place de l’indépendance, au cours duquel l’un des leaders du M5 a appelé à la tribune à occuper la devanture de l’Office de radio télévision du Mali, la primature et l’Assemblée nationale, des manifestants ont pris la direction de plusieurs bâtiments publics dont l’ORTM et le Parlement. Vor zehn Jahren kämpfte er gegen die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter, gegen die Einführung der Sexualkunde als Schulfach und gegen ein Schulbuch, das auch das Thema Homosexualität behandelte. "It is unclear if the military is now officially in charge of the country.Earlier, Keita and Prime Minister Boubou Cisse were detained by soldiers in a dramatic escalation of a months-long crisis in the country.The development came hours after soldiers took up arms and staged a mutiny at a key base in Kati, a town close to Bamako.The soldiers were expected to deliver a statement later, while countries in West Africa, along with former colonial power France, the European Union and the African Union, denounced the actions of the soldiers and warned against any unconstitutional change of power.The events came amid a weeks-long political crisis that has seen opposition protesters taking to the streets to demand the departure of Keita, accusing him of allowing the country's economy to collapse and mishandling a worsening security situation.Mali's years-long conflict, in which ideologically-motivated armed groups have stoked ethnic tensions while jockeying for power, has spilled into the neighbouring countries of Niger and Burkina Faso, destabilising the wider Sahel region and creating a massive humanitarian crisis.Earlier on Tuesday, opposition protesters gathered at a square in Bamako in a show of support for the soldiers, while foreign embassies advised their citizens to stay indoors.The soldiers behind the coup - calling themselves the National Committee for the Salvation of the People - appeared on state television in military fatigues, pledging to stabilise the country. "We are not holding on to power but we are holding on to the stability of the country," said Ismail Wague, Mali Air Force's deputy chief of staff.