Jacques Cousteau, in full Jacques-Yves Cousteau, (born June 11, 1910, Saint-André-de-Cubzac, France—died June 25, 1997, Paris), French naval officer, ocean explorer, and coinventor of the Aqua-Lung, known for his extensive underseas investigations. French inventor of open circuit scuba, pioneer diver, author, film-maker and marine researcher "The sea, the great unifier, is man's only hope. Jean-Michel Cousteau, né en 1938, est l'aîné de Jacques-Yves Cousteau et de Simone Melchior, la première femme du commandant disparue en 1990 suite à un cancer.
I want to support the field work, projects and mission of Jean-Michel Cousteau and the OFS team. All rights reserved. The Society is currently attempting to turn the original In his last years, after marrying again, Cousteau became involved in a legal battle with his son Though he was not particularly a religious man, Cousteau believed that the teachings of the different major religions provide valuable ideals and thoughts to protect the environment. Cousteau et Marcel Ichac partagent la même volonté de faire découvrir au grand public des lieux inconnus et inaccessibles : pour le premier, c'est le monde sous-marin, pour le second, c'est la haute montagne. Now, as never before,Early 1940s: innovation of modern underwater divingEarly 1940s: innovation of modern underwater divingactual order, it is incorrect on the official filmographyactual years, they are incorrect on the official filmographyactual names, they are incorrect on the official filmographyCousteau, Jacques; ed. Francine Cousteau currently continues her husband's work as the head of the Cousteau Foundation and Cousteau Society. From 1980 to 1981, he was a regular on the animal reality show In 1980, Cousteau traveled to Canada to make two films on the On 2 December 1990, his wife Simone Cousteau died of cancer. La famille Cousteau est une famille française originaire de Gironde. Make a tax-deductible donation now! The so-called "The Cousteau Society and its French counterpart, l'Équipe Cousteau, both of which Jacques-Yves Cousteau founded, are still active today.
2010. Cousteau described his underwater world research in a series of books, perhaps the most successful being his first book, Having kept bonds with the English speakers (he spent part of his childhood in the United States and usually spoke English) and with French soldiers in North Africa (under Admiral During the 1940s, Cousteau is credited with improving the Aqua-Lung design which gave birth to the In 1948, between missions of mine clearance, underwater exploration and technological and physiological tests, Cousteau undertook a first campaign in the Mediterranean on board the The adventures of this period are told in the two books In 1950, he founded the French Oceanographic Campaigns (FOC), and leased a ship called In 1954, Cousteau conducted a survey of Abu Dhabi waters on behalf of British Petroleum. Elle a atteint une grande notoriété à travers l'exploration océanographique menée par Jacques-Yves Cousteau dans les années 1950 à 1970, diffusée à la télévision dans de nombreux pays.
She became the first woman scuba diver; she was instrumental in the acquisition of Explorer, diplomat for the environment, educator, and film producer, Jean-Michel Cousteau has communicated his love and concern for our water planet to people of all nations and generations for more than four decades.
Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, après l'armistice de 1940, la famille de Simone et Jacques-Yves Cousteau (désormais en « congé d'armistice ») rencontre à Megève la famille Ichac. His work also created a new kind of scientific communication, criticized at the time by some academics.
The son of ocean explorer Jacques Cousteau, Jean-Michel founded Ocean Futures Society in 1999 to carry on this pioneering work and to honor his heritage ... Philippe Cousteau (1940 – 1979) The second son of Jacques-Yves and Simone Cousteau, Philippe was one of the world’s first scuba divers, a photographer, filmmaker, author, and pilot. Only four years old when he first dived, he has been diving and working to educate others about the global ocean ever since.
Jacques Yves Cousteau was a French naval officer, oceanographer, researcher, filmmaker, undersea explorer, author, and photographer.
Simone introduced him to the engineer and to the funding that would result in his co-invention of the Aqualung. Copyright © 2020 Ocean Futures Society. He was a French naval officer, explorer, ecologist, filmmaker, activist, innovator, inventor, author, scientific collaborator, and ...As the wife and partner of Jacques-Yves Cousteau. by Schiefelbein, Susan.
From that point, the relations between Jacques-Yves and his elder son worsened. Jacques Cousteau was a French undersea explorer, researcher, photographer and documentary host who invented diving and scuba devices, including the Aqua-Lung. The legendary Captain Cousteau was a pioneering explorer of the seas and of the issues that face us today. Cette dernière était fille …