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Let's just wait until we see the film.The fight brought them into a different dimension, but the one they started in remained completely intact. Whis points out that Goku has awakened a sign of Ultra Instinct for a few seconds, while Beerus comments that Goku always screws up. Doesn't matter if you think Broly is stronger than Jiren or not, they should still be around the same level and from spoilers Gogeta wipe the floor with Broly Also, can we please wait until the movie come out before spamming battles?Wow the wank. 20 days ago. Vegeta SSBE could go against a Full Power Jiren and take the majority. Gogeta's spoiler feats sound better than anything Jiren did. (again, depends on what power ups we're talking about) SSBE Vegeta could hold his own against Hidden Power Jiren, and MUI Goku could easily hold his own against Jiren, and SSBE Vegeta could also help out MUI Goku despite them not pulling off the greatest combos as Whis has stated. It's his first canon appearance and his only showing is trashing another character who also made his first canon debut. Beating up SSB Goku, SSB Vegeta and Golden Frieza is par for the course nowadays in Dragonball.Have you not seen the trailer? So Vegeta gets stomped in Round 2.Current Goku can't access MUI at will. You can't argue Gogeta beats Jiren because Gogeta fought an enemy so hard they teleported to another dimension. Phasing in and out of dimensions and destroying them >>>> What did Jiren do, break some rocks?You know what? Gogeta's spoiler feats sound better than anything Jiren did. Before, Vegeta didn't last a single minute as Krillin stated.
If you're telling me it requires an absorbed spirit bomb composed of the energy from Krillin, Tien, Roshi, Piccolo, 18, 17, Gohan, Vegeta, Beerus, Whis, and 2 Zenos just to win against Jiren? So, in conclusion: when it comes to Gogeta/Broly vs Jiren,MUI, Beerus etc , we actually need to be specific if it's Toriyama or Toei versions of MUI,Jiren and Beerus. ( BTW about Gogeta vs Vegito Toriyama version),they'd be equal now, but Toei hypothetical versions in Broly arc wouldn't be equal because SSJB Royal > SSJBKKX20 Goku.) therefore, Jiren whoops both with minimal effort (and that's assuming Jiren is at the same ToP level)Hope people realized Jiren only got defeated due to MUI and thats it. Jiren beats each of them individually, maybe he'll lose against them but the possibility of victory is still here if he goes in Limit Breaker mode. Jiren even tells Vegeta to go drop out of the arena, but he refuses to give up. This isn't debatable.In that case Jiren stomps Broly, there's nothing to say Broly could even fight SSJBKKX20 and SSJBE Vegeta in his LSSJ state, nevermind JirenBut they did? Vegeta unlocked Evolution during the TOP, and after he did he used it non stop.By your logic that’s because Jiren is beyond fusion and they knew it wouldn’t work. It is not impossible for these two to manage that power, but atm they should still be a tier below it, even after their recent amps.UI Goku is the weak link due to his bad stamina and UI disrupting the tag team edge they had prior in the ToP.i mean tbh it really depends if goku's enraged on round 1 b/c MUI goku only got the advantage when he was enraged (and we all know how much of a power boost you can get when u got pissed, just look at goku vs goku black. LMFAO Bruh Gogeta stomps.Everybody keeps tagging me, telling me I'm wrong while providing the absolute stupidest reasoning. Like Vegeta did get stronger but what really made him get the advantage was forced spirit fission and without it I highly doubt he would have done any considerable damage to Moro. Manga Jiren is far weaker than anime Jiren to the point I say Gogeta stomps.Gogeta stomps since he can beat someone stronger than jiren. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. UI Goku should be moving too differently for them to be able to tag team so effectively, and even if they can push back Jiren, Jiren should be able to outlast UI Goku, than make a comeback.For Goku and Vegeta to surpass Jiren, it would be the same to assume that they had surpassed the Beerus and Broly tier of power, as Jiren is supposed to be above that lvl. Shattering dimensional barriers with pure strength is something people like 616 Savage Hulk have done. "lol it's Gogeta", "lol watch the trailer". SSB gogeta is the same way with MUI goku, considering the multipliers of power gogeta should be in a different league from MUI goku.Look at frieza controlling Sidras hakai but getting wrecked by topposJust because no one is surprised that vegeta is using ssg doesn’t mean he hasn’t used it off screen....Again how does any of this confirm this is following manga continuity.How can you say something as fact when it’s just a borderline baseless inference without any context from watching the movie yourself? Let's just wait until we see the film.The fight brought them into a different dimension, but the one they started in remained completely intact. Deja un Like y comenta si te ha gustado el vídeo. ️ Contact via Email Click en la campana + Activa las Notificaciones. While Vegeta lands another clean blow on Jiren, Goku commends his performance.
Without Ultra Instinct, he stomps the both of them without question.Hope people realized Jiren only got defeated due to MUI and thats it. But until then Duces.Either Broly was beyond KKX20 and SSJBE while Jiren is beyond Blue Fusions That can't be it, to answer your previous question because I just went back to the Kefla episodes:Why didn’t they do the same thing against Jiren?

Gogeta doesn't have nearly enough feats to say he stomps. They didn’t really do anything to show they got noticeably stronger since the ToP. Circular logic doesn't lead anywhere. Without Ultra Instinct, he stomps the both of them without question.jiren didn't get defeated DUE to MUI, infact he was fighting evenly when goku had MUI. Only Ui omen goku was even worth his time and power.Once jiten got serious he was overpowering ui omen gokuR1: Depends on what version we're using, and it depends on HOW LONG the fight is.