Those were very good, with a lot of aggressive and energetic songs such as “Por qué hombre?” [Why man ?
Freebase Volume 2 and Freebase Volume 3 were both of them free projects.
Met muziekstreaming op Deezer kan je nu meer dan 56 miljoen nummers ontdekken, je eigen afspeellijsten maken en je favoriete nummers delen met je vrienden.
The beats on which he rap, his use of English words, his use of vocoder, his attitude and his sense of fashion are good reasons as to why Kekra is probably the trillest French rapper.Kekra used to live in a really poor area near the Parisian Business District, where a lot of rich people came to work.
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18 Apr 2020
According to some, me including, it may be his best album.
On these mixtapes, you can hear that London has an influence on Kekra’s music.In-between 2016 and 2017, Kekra dropped a series trilogy of studio album called Vréel [the contraction the words for “true” and “real”, like trill in the US].
He spends a lot of time in Asia, particularly in THailand.
Do you know any background info about this track?
100 Years Safety & Health - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This collaboration with the rapper Kekra is a very complete rapper.
We can also mention the very good “Frérot” [bro’], “Wing Chung” and “Sega”.
Time zone:
Fluent in the English language, he is a fan of the grime and 2-step garage, a style born in London, United Kingdom. 13 Apr 2020
For the first time ever, Kekra collaborated with another artist on a featuring. It synthesized Kekra’s skills.
There is also “C’est bon” [it’s good] on which we find again the rapper in a good mood speaking about his family and travels “world citizen” (…) I’m always laughing (…) family, family, family, it’s all good”.
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16 May 2020
Get DJ recommendations for harmonic mixing.
Song of The Week #12 This socio-economic contrast gave him a lot of motivation to make money at a young age by any way.