Disruptions caused by the coronavirus crisis have pushed up prices for sulfur by about 10% this year in the Democratic Republic of Congo, driving up costs of a vital ingredient for mining cobalt and copper in the African nation. Contract Price; Month 1: 32917.11: Month 2: 33250.00: Month 3: 33375.00: Month 6: 33750.00: Month 12: 34500.00: Month 15: 34875.00: LME CLOSING PRICES, US$ PER TONNE. Specifically, the Company has reviewed projects in commodities including nickel, copper-gold, copper, cobalt, manganese, gold, uranium, high-purity alumina [HPA].
Cobalt market news - Both cobalt demand and supply have been down in Q1, 2020 due to COVID-19.
April's NCM/NCA battery materials output declined by 24pc from a year ago, but inched up by 0.44pc from March to 13,700t.Cobalt demand in clean energy tech seen up 460% by 2050, World Bank says. The Company has completed extensive testing on a novel development approach that focuses on a fully integrated process flow sheet commencing with Heap Leaching of the ore followed by Direct Solvent Extraction [DSX] for the removal of impurities through to refining pure nickel sulphates and cobalt carbonate suitable for the high growth lithium-ion battery market. All rights reserved. We recognise the uncertainty caused by the current environment and endeavour to support our stakeholders, as appropriate.”Operational update for the three months ended 31 March 2020.
(+) – 172.71: EUR / kg Fortune is now developing a new mine plan and schedule based on the Updated Mineral Resource modelI am/we are long GLENCORE (LSX:GLEN), KATANGA MINING [TSX:KAT], NORSILK NICKEL (LME:MNOD), AUSTRALIA MINES [ASX:AUZ], FORTUNE MINERALS [TSX:FT], RNC MINERALS [TSX:RNX] , ARDEA RESOURCES [ASX:ARL], COBALT BLUE [ASX:COB], AEON METALS [ASX:AML], HAVILLAH RESOURCES [ASX:HAV], CASSINI RESOURCES [ASX:CZI], CONICO LTD [ASX:CNJ], FIRST COBALT [TSXV:FCC], POSEIDON NICKEL [ASX:POS].I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. The past month saw cobalt prices flat and a quiet month of news from the cobalt producers. Quality: Cobalt with a minimum of 99.8% purity. Data valid for 17 August 2020.
Cobalt market news - Cobalt supply chains still uncertain, don't expect cobalt price recovery until H2. Glencore Chief Executive Officer, Ivan Glasenberg: “The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented challenge for individuals, governments and companies alike. We also expect a c$1.0 to $1.5 billion reduction in 2020 capex compared to our original 2020 guidance of $5.5 billion.
Congo...is highly reliant on mining, with the industry contributing 32% of its GDP and 95% of export revenue in 2018.Cobalt Market Update: Q1 2020 in Review. Cobalt increased 450 USD/MT or 1.37% since the beginning of 2020, according to trading on a contract for difference (CFD) that tracks the benchmark market for this commodity.
Lithium cobalt oxide output in April increased by 5pc on a yearly basis to 5,760t, up by 29pc from March. Barra Resources Limited [Barra] is pleased to advise that drilling is now underway at the Burbanks Gold Project. ** Whilst Kerb trading takes place from 16:15 - 17:00 LME Cobalt ceases trading at 16:40. By clicking I accept you agree to such purposes. Please be aware of the risks associated with these stocks.Trend Investing finds the "next big thing" and the best ways to invest.Cobalt demand in clean energy technologies is seen rising from 140,000 tonnes to 644,000 tonnes by 2050, the report estimated. Some industrial assets have been temporarily suspended, generally in line with national and regional lockdowns. The EC hopes the rules will become binding by 2022, in time for an expected surge in electric vehicle output in 2023. In addition the Company continued reviewing potential acquisitions and investments in commodities which complement or diversify the Company's current commodity exposure.
"Congo mine closures would cause economic and social crisis, minister says". If you want to sign up for Editor's Note: This article covers one or more microcap stocks. The prices discovered on our three trading platforms are used as the global reference price and both the metal and investment communities use the LME to transfer or take on risk, 24 hours a day.Whether you are an industrial hedger, metal merchant or proprietary trading desk, there are broadly speaking two ways of accessing our markets. Disruptions to our business have, to date, been manageable and the majority of our assets are operating relatively normally, a credit to our people that have stepped up to the challenge of a changed working environment, especially those who continue to carry out their work on site at our industrial assets – Glencore’s frontline. LME Cobalt can be traded on LMEselect from 01.00 - 19.00 London time, 24 hours a day on the inter-office telephone market and during the below times on the Ring: Ring trading time - First session (UK) Highlights include:Fortune Minerals provides NICO Project update....Fortune is complying with government protocols, including temporary closure of the Company’s head office, prohibiting non-essential travel, and employees are social distancing and working remotely from their homes. A key issue is access to raw materials.....The EU is expected to need up to 18 times more lithium and five times more cobalt by 2030 to meet demand from renewable energy, e-mobility, defense and space sectors.First quarter 2020 production report and general update.