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Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. 5.45 Design "Aggressor" handguard for AK Aim sport Universal M-LOK foregrip for FAL Alfa Arms Goliaf AKS-74U Handguard B-10M foregrip and rail mount B-19 B-12 Mount B-3 mount combo CAA RS47 foregrip for AK-compatible systems CAA XRS DRG for SVD CASV 14 mount for M14 Daniel Defence RIS II 12.25 foregrip for AR-15-compatible systems 2: B11 & B12 handguard mounts - Sold from level 2 Skier. In order to have a sight, you need the B-18 Mount; but remember you can't have a mount without having a rail on your gun.All the AKus i get i sell and get the AK74, attach a cobra side mount for small optics or a pso for more range. The key design difference from the standard AK-74 is a side mount … Description [edit | edit source]. 1: B18 dust cover mount - Sold from level 2 Skier. Direct Thread Mount adapter for Silencerco Hybrid 46. There are three methods of mounting an optic to the AKS-74U models. Can anyone tell me exactly which mount I need to put an optic on this gun and which optics fit? AK-74 Plum AK-74 Gas tube Izhmash 5.45x39 AK-74 muzzle brake & compensator (6P20 0-20) Izhmash AK bakelite pistol grip (6P4 Sb.8V) Izhmash AK-74 dust cover (6P1 0-1) AK-74 Standard Rearsight (6P1 Sb.2) Izhmash polymer Plum AK-74 stock (6P20 Sb.7) 30-round 6L23 Plum 5.45x39 magazine for AK-74 and compatibles Polymer AK-74 foregrip (6P20 Sb.9) Plum I see all kinds of optics and mounts at the merchants and like an idiot I've bough most of them just to see if they fit, but nooooooooo.There are three methods of mounting an optic to the AKS-74U models.2: B11 & B12 handguard mounts - Sold from level 2 Skier3: AKS-74UN - Traded from level 2 Prapor for 3 PSU's and 1 Salewa - Requires Cobra mount to attach to side.The B-11 Handguard allows for undermounts. Hexagon AK-74 5.45x39 sound suppressor Izhmash 5.45x39 AK-74 muzzle brake & compensator (6P20 0-20) Izhmash 5.45x39 muzzle brake for AKS-74U (6P26 0-20) Izhmash 5.45x39 АK-105 muzzlebrake & compensator (6P44 0-20) By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. 3: AKS-74UN - Traded from level 2 Prapor for 3 PSU's and 1 Salewa - Requires Cobra mount to attach to side. Kalashnikov 5.45 mm assault rifle, developed in 1970 by M. T. Kalashnikov, became a further evolution of AKM due to adoption of the new 5.45x39 ammunition by the military. Oh, and where to get them? The rail kits for the AKu is a bitch to get.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castThe unofficial Subreddit for Escape From Tarkov, a Hardcore FPS being created by Battlestate Games.Press J to jump to the feed.