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People would put it everywhere and joke about it.

Minored in accounting.Fusion is just a cheap tactic to make weak memes stronger.Oh, I thought it was the Flying Spaghetti Monster followers.And here I thought it was a prayer to the Flying Spaghetti Monster.... Montage parodies came around early 2012 if I remember correctly.There's also a ton of pics of the two towers as stacks of spaghetti.

His palms spaghetti Knees weak, arms spaghetti There's vomit on his sweater spaghetti Mom's spaghetti He's nervous But on the surface He looks calm spaghetti To drop bombs But he keeps on spaghetti What he wrote down The whole crowd Goes "spaghetti" He opens his mouth but spaghetti won't come out He's choking, how?
Mom’s Spaghetti is a bait-and-switch copypasta derived from the lyrics of Eminem’s 2002 hit rap single “Lose Yourself.” Originating from the 4chan imageboard community, it is a notable example of spaghetti stories that usually start out as a personal anecdote about an embarrassing or socially awkward episode before ending abruptly with a sudden appearance of spaghetti. Roguelikes were really taking off in popularity at the same time Twitch was, and people also tend to say "RIP" when a speedrun goes bad. There are very lax posting rules in his chat, and the streamer himself is known to read copy pasta out loud on a regular basis. PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery, 'g' to view the gallery, or 'r' to view a random image. I know it's so stupid but it's the internet and we love it as it is .First of all, a line from an Eminem song "Mom's spaghetti" becomes a meme. First there's the Mom's Spaghetti part, which I shouldn't even have to explain.Damn, meme research might become an actual academic field one day...the stuff people come up with is quite frankly hilarious. Watch Queue Queue They would throw the words "rip in peace" around everywhere.Finally, they fuse, and create things like "rest in spaghetti", "ripperinos", "ripperoni", etc.Bachelor's in Memeology, PhD in Animeology.

May be where it came from.This all probably started in Twitch chat channels. Watch Queue Queue. Prior to the emergence of spaghetti stories in 2010, various excerpts from Eminem's "Lose Yourself," including "mom's spaghetti," have been used as the title of blog posts or discussion threads, most notably on the automobile enthusiast forum LS1TECH"Mom's spaghetti" is a memorable line from the lyrics of Eminem's 2002 hip hop single "Lose Yourself,"Given the lyrical premise of "Lose Yourself," which begins with an aspiring rapper nervously trying to recall his verses on stage, not to mention its inclusion of "mom's spaghetti" in the rhyme scheme, the song was already well-suited for 4chan's spaghetti story In the following months, more variations of "mom's spaghetti" posts continued to surface on 4chan's On May 28th, the same version of the "mom's spaghetti" story from /b/'s Facebook page was If someone finds a really good (and probably a youtube poop) video of Eminem and Hotel Luigi in a spaghetti war, let me know ASAP Look, if you had, mom's spaghetti, would you capture it, or just let it slip? After reading them for a while, he started to talk like the copy pastas were written.The first time I ever heard "RIP in pepperonis" was straight out of Kripparians mouth, a couple years ago.The phrase in the OP is the result of Twitch chat bleeding out onto the rest of the Internet....I'm sure I'll get shat on for mentioning this (because Undertale is everywhere) but this phrase is actually I always thought it was because of the flying spaghetti monster stuff.I don't know the answer....but I think I'm going to had it into my vocab nowHuh, I came in here fully expecting it to be a play on Ezio's line from Assassin's Creed 2They're people who's generation has not just "grown up on the internet" but has gone on to "grow old on the internet".New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castA subreddit to help you keep up to date with what's going on with reddit and other stuff.Press J to jump to the feed.