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Lancé en mai 2008, Nigeremploi.com est le 1er site d'emploi et de recrutement en ligne au Niger. Sélection d’une société informatique pour la … CadreAnnonces_Niger CDD Niger 5 août 2020 - 10 août 2020 Finances Niveau d'étude: BAC+3 Expérience: 0-5 We gather in towns and cities across America holding parades and picnics to reflect…Refugees face incredible challenges including lack of safety, security, and freedom of movement and difficulties obtaining legal recognition and personal documents. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein.Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African LeadersNiger C-208 Program Reaches 10,000hr Flying Hours Without IncidentFreedom in a Time of Turmoil Opinion-Editorial by Ambassador Eric P. WhitakerOn Combating Drought and Desertification: You Can Make a Difference!With Liberty and Justice for All, Op Ed by Ambassador Eric P. WhitakerSecurity Alert – U. S. Embassy Niamey, Niger (20 August, 2018)Security Alert – U. S. Embassy Niamey, Niger (13 June 2018)Security Message for U.S. Citizens: Demonstration, Sunday October 29, 2017Security Message for U.S. Citizens: Niger Travel Warning.In Memory of the Nigeriens and Americans Who Died at Tongo TongoMessage for U.S. Citizens: Do This NOW If You Plan to Vote – U.S. Embassy Niamey (August 12, 2020)Message for U.S. Citizens: Voting Assistance – U.S. Embassy Niamey, NigerSecurity Alert – U. S. Embassy Niamey, Niger (20 August, 2018)Security Alert – U. S. Embassy Niamey, Niger (13 June 2018) Message de SEM Eric P. Whitaker à l’occasion de la fête d'indépendance du Niger le 2 août 2020Refugees face incredible challenges including lack of safety, security, and freedom of movement and difficulties obtaining legal recognition and personal documents.Location: Niger Event: Voting Assistance for the 2020 Elections and Consular Services Your vote counts! Emploi et Recrutement au Niger, le site du recrutement au service des entreprises et candidats pour vos recherches d´offres d´emploi, jobs et CV au Niger. Maintains medical files and other Health Unit documents according to the Department of State Office of Medical Services policies and procedures, in compliance with the HU Administrative Assistant Conference in Brussels 2010. 1er site web d'emploi et de recrutement en ligne au Niger.

Ambassador to Niger   The United Nations has declared June 17 World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought      to draw…Message for U.S. Citizens: Voting Assistance – U.S. Embassy Niamey, Niger Event: Voting in 2020 U.S.

This important work encompasses activities in agriculture, education, entrepreneurship, communications, security, and more.Learn more about quality higher-education opportunities in the U.S. that you will not find anywhere else in the world.The U.S. Embassy in Niamey's current Request for Proposals, Housing Advertisements, and Funds to Promote Countering Violent Extremism. Answers phones, takes messages, schedules health unit appointments, and maintains the FSMP’s appointment schedule.

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U.S. citizens can receive their…In the United States and across the world, many watched with anguish the death on May 25 of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Security Alert – U. S. Embassy Niamey, Niger (20 August, 2018) Security Alert – U. S. Embassy Niamey, Niger (13 June 2018)

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Moderator:  Good afternoon to everyone from the U.S. Department of State’s…For millions of Nigeriens, the month of Ramadan is a holy period for believers to renew their faith through strict fasting, fervent prayer, reading of…Location:  Niger Event:  With the suspension of commercial air service in Niger due to COVID-19, U.S. Embassy Niamey has worked with the Government of Niger to…Ambassador Whitaker’s 60th Anniversary Message of Bilateral Relatio...U.S. Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo’s Message on Niger’s 60th...This is the official website of the U.S. Embassy in Niger. ... 17/08/20 25-08-2020 Plus d'infos. Pour voir la liste actualisée de tous les postes disponibles à la Mission américaine au Sénégal et pour postuler en ligne, veuillez visiter cette page Electronic Recruitment Application (ERA).