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There is no other reason for the destruction of the house of Mahomet by the Saudis, or that of the Sumerian administrative tablets by Daesh.Just as the Western powers used the Saudis to force the Ottomans to retreat – which no-one contests today – they used the jihadists, financed by the Saudis and supervised by the Wahhabites, to destroy Iraq and Syria.This has been forgotten, but at the beginning of the aggression against Syria, when the Western Press was inventing the « Arab Spring », Saudi Arabia asked only for the departure of President Bachar el-Assad. His last two books published in English : The young man therefore organised the Palace coup of November 2017 [The fortune of the Saudis, which until then had been shared between them all, was now concentrated in the hands of a man who was not the King, and therefore was not representative of the state. PACT Tile Repair In Quincy MA .

The United States pledged to protect the Saoud family in exchange for their hydrocarbons. Watch Queue Queue He called for all the Arab states to follow his lead and managed to force the Emirate to back off – temporarily.When he entered the White House, President Trump made some allowances. Leben. The third Quincy was authorized on 17 June 1940, and laid down at the Fore River Shipyard of the Bethlehem Steel Company, Quincy, Massachusetts, as St. Paul on 9 October 1941. He was nephew of the arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, who equipped the Saudi Air Force, and then, on behalf of the Pentagon, supplied Shiite Iran against Sunni Iraq. President Franklin Roosevelt concluded the Quincy Pact with the founder of kingdom. He would leave the Yemenites to their agony on the condition that Riyadh stop supporting the jihadists.That’s when President Trump’s advisor, Jared Kushner, had the idea of recuperating the oil money to replenish the US economy. Vinfen PACT Housing Specialist in Quincy, Massachusetts. As a PACT Housing Specialist, you will have responsibility to carry out rehabilitation and support functions and assist in treatment, substance abuse services, education, support, and consultation to families, and crisis intervention under the clinical supervision of staff with professional degrees. By clicking above, you agree that we may process your information with these terms.The Climate Economics Chair is a joint initiative by Paris-Dauphine University, CDC, Total and EDF, under the aegis of the European Institute of Finance.By Christian de Perthuis In the space of just a few weeks, the Covid-19 crisis has dramatically altered the prospects for climate action around the world. Stay connected with our news. However, since the Having evolved abruptly from the use of camels to the private jet, the Saoud family of the 21st century has conserved the archaic culture of the desert. His columns specializing in international relations feature in daily newspapers and weekly magazines in Arabic, Spanish and Russian.

Renamed Quincy on 16 October 1942, to perpetuate that name, after the destruction of the second Quincy (CA-39) at the Battle of Savo Island on 9 August 1942. MBS was Benjamin Netanyahu’s best partner [The Quincy Pact only protects the King, not the pretenders to his throne.The articles on Voltaire Network may be freely reproduced provided the source is cited, their integrity is respected and they are not used for commercial purposes (license French intellectual, founder and chairman of Voltaire Network and the Axis for Peace Conference.

Many authors have pointed out the proximity of the Wahhabite way of life and that of certain Orthodox Jewish sects, as well as the resemblances between the reasoning of the Wahhabite theologians and that of certain Puritan Christian pastors. Les États-Unis s’engagent à protéger militairement le royaume […] And although all the members of the Security Council expressed their concern about the humanitarian crisis, none of them dared say anything about the valourous Prince MBS.Advising his father, King Salman, MBS proposed to eliminate the head of the interior opposition, Cheikh Nimr Baqr al-Nimr [Since he stands for no contradiction, in June 2017, MBS pushed his father to break with Qatar, which had dared to take the side of Iran against Saudi Arabia. It’s the private property of the King, and all the people that live there are no more than serfs. In order to save his kingdom, the Family Council decided in 2015 to put an end to this adelphic rule and designate the children of Prince Nayef and the new King Salman as future heirs to the throne.

Please confirm that you want to receive our emails.You can can change your mind at any time by clicling the unscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us, or by contacting Mercenaries cut off his fingers and dismembered him before presenting his head to MBS, their master. They were quickly put down by the Ottomans.The Foreign Office’s idea was that the Saudis and the Wahhabites should be hated by their serfs and incapable of maintaining good relations with their neighbours. It is not the fruit of their work, but only a rent on their property. In reality, no-one has ever been able to successfully occupy Yemen, no more than Afghanistan. The Wahhabites then presented themselves as the protectors of Sunnism, but continued to oppose all other forms of Islam.Anxious to avoid the fratricides which had marked the history of his family in the 19th century, Ibn Saoud instituted a system of succession between brothers. However, in order to maintain their influence over the Middle East, the British decided to fight the Arab nationalists and to support the Muslim Brotherhood and the Nashqbandis. This document was renewed by President George W. Bush.The founder of Wahhabism, Mohammed ben Abdelwahhab, considered that all those who did not join his sect should be exterminated. The operation was carefully recorded by the Turkish and US secret services.In Washington, the US Press and parliamentarians demanded that President Trump raise sanctions against Riyadh [One of MBS’s advisors, Turki Al-Dakhil, replied that if the US were to sanction the kingdom, Saudi Arabia would be ready to destabilise the world order [According to Al-Dakhil, the kingdom was preparing some thirty measures, the most significant being to :Aware of the damage that this wild cannon could cause, the White House sounded the attack. The Quincy Five were a group of five young African American men from Quincy, Florida, who were charged with the 1970 murder of a Leon County deputy Sheriff.