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Ximenia americana Scientific classification

It can range from a bitter-almond in flavor to sweet.

DS Ogunleye and SF Ibitoye, Trop J Pharm Res, December 2003, 2(2), pages 239-241 [11] C18 Acetylenic Fatty Acids of Ximenia americana with Potential Pesticidal Activity. The fruit is high in Vitamin C and oil that has been used externally on hair and as a skin softener.The bark, fruit, and leaves have several medicinal uses. For several decades I only found them in coastal areas. Seed large, oval, buff-colored with white nut like kernel. Diese Art hat rötliche, dicht behaarte Blätter und Zweige und ist nördlich und zentral in der Provinz Limpopo verbreitet. © 2020 Institute for Systematic Botany | Data last modified: 8/19/2020Wunderlin, R. P., B. F. Hansen, A. R. Franck, and F. B. Essig. So which one does one choose? The fruit has been used for constipation. Select the criterion by which you wish to search (Scientific name, Genus, Family, etc.) Ximenia americana (it); Ximenia americana (fr); እንኮይ (am); Ximenia americana (ast); Ксимения американская (ru); Ximenia americana (de); Ximenia americana (pt); Ximenia americana (sq); زیمنیا امریکنا (fa); 海檀木 (zh); Ximenia americana (war); Ximenia americana (ro); Ximenia americana (ca); พุทราทะเล (th); Tsada (ha); Ximenia americana (ceb); Ximenia americana (pl); Ximenia americana (uk); Ximenia americana (nl); Ximenia americana (la); Ximenia americana (vi); Ximenia americana (es); Ximenia americana (bg); Ximenia americana (en); Ximenia americana (sv); Ximenie americká (cs); Ximenia americana (ga) especie de planta (es); উদ্ভিদের প্রজাতি (bn); especie de planta (ast); espècie de planta (ca); Art der Gattung Ximenia (de); lloj i bimëve (sq); բույսերի տեսակ (hy); вид растение (bg); specie de plante (ro); สปีชีส์ของพืช (th); מין של צמח (he); soort uit het geslacht Ximenia (nl); speco di planto (io); especie de planta (gl); вид растений (ru); species of plant (en); نوع من النباتات (ar); druh rostliny (cs); вид рослин (uk) Ximenia americana (ru); Mepeque, Ameixa da terra, Ameixeira do Brasil, Espinheiro de ameixa, Limão bravo do brejo, Ximenia arborescens, Mepeke, Omupeke, Limão-bravo-do-brejo, Ximenia aculeata, Ximenia fluminensis, Ximenia montana, Sândalo do Brasil, Ximénia, Ameixa do mato (pt); Ximenia americana (ha) Seaweed On the other hand it has some three dozen commons names in several languages. Recipes Young leaves can be boiled and eaten sparingly. Pickles/vinegar So which one does one choose? Hog Plum - Ximenia americana. Searching using "snake root" will yield no results due to the extra space, but searching "snake" will generate a short list of plants with the word "snake" in the common name. Browse ximenia americana pictures, photos, images, GIFs, and videos on Photobucket caffra. The following 17 files are in this category, out of 17 total. Toxic to Pets/livestock
Ximenia americana, commonly known as tallow wood, hog plum, yellow plum, sea lemon, or pi'ut , is a small sprawling tree of woodlands native to the tropics. Ximenia americana L. var. : in den Tropen, bes. What are you looking for? Ripe hog plums (Ximenia americana) dot the scrub like glowing yellow Sun ornaments. However, the leaves and seed pulp contain hydrocyanic acid (therefore cyanide) and should be avoided. Fruits/Berries All rights reserved. Spice/Seasoning This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total. However, the leaves and seed pulp contain hydrocyanic acid (therefore cyanide) and should be avoided.

Vines If I listed this edible under its botanical name few would find it. Photo by Green Deane. The Atlas of Florida Plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information. Young leaves, which have a strong aroma of almonds, can also be well-boiled then eaten in small amounts. Medicinal Leaves are used for headaches, angina, and a poison antidote. Search in posts They are edible and used to make juice, jams, jellies and intoxicating drinks! Furthermore, a search of "Virginia snake" or even "nia snak" yields one result: Virginia snakeroot.If, after following the above advice, then difficulties are still encountered please use the "browse" feature.A voucher specimen is a pressed and thoroughly dried plant sample deposited in a herbarium, and is intended to be a permanent record supporting research purposes. In southern hammocks, however, which are islands of hardwoods in wet areas, it can grow to 35 feet. A Photo Guide. The level of Oleic acid  is 72.09%.The pulp of the seed itself is purgative raw. Flowers yellowish, four petals, 3/8 inch wide, hairy within, very fragrant, similar to lilac, in small clusters. Ximenia americana L. Photo source: Data bank from Laboratório de Ecologia e Evolução de sistemas socioecológicos.

There is no particular aroma of the fruit but the flowers have an intense lilac aroma. Some even call it the Wild Olive. Search in title Ripe Tallow Plums are tangy and a delightful trailside nibble. Abdalla AA, Shyaula SL, Ishak CY, Ayoub SMH (2013) Bioassay and phytochemical studies on Ximenia americana L. bark ethanolic extract. beverage Omega 3 Fatty Acids Fruit a broad oval or nearly round, to 1.5 inches long, skin smooth, bright yellow to orange red, flesh yellow, bitter almond to sweet flavor, sub acid to acid. What are you looking for? No, it is not related to the olive but it is in the It got the name Tallow Plum because of the waxy texture of the fruit.

Critter Cuisine