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The assessment of the progress of the war in South Vietnam was much more negative than in previous Hawaii meetings. 1963-1975 : la guerre du Vietnam ... Mais le camp communiste ne relâche pas la pression sur le Sud-Vietnam de sorte que le président se voit contraint d'intervenir au Cambodge voisin l'année suivante pour tenter de limiter les infiltrations de troupes et d'armement. Le président de l'État est élu par l'Assemblée nationale dont il est issu et doit être membre du bureau politique du parti au pouvoir, le PCV. Emphasize the feeling of achievement, the hopes for the future, and instances of outstanding individual or personal credibility by gilding the lily. Le président de l'État de la république socialiste du Viêt Nam (Chủ tịch nước Cộng hòa xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam) est le chef d'État du Viêt Nam. This optimistic statement conflicted with negative assessments coming in from a large number of military advisers in the fieldJohn Paul Vann departed Vietnam for an assignment in the United States.

Diệm had been too independent and Washington replaced him with a more pliable leader to gain control over South Vietnam.President Kennedy's plans to withdraw 1,000 American soldiers from Vietnam became public as General Secretary McNamara met with military and civilian leaders in Hawaii. Diệm also agreed to dismiss those responsible for the shootings, but on the grounds that the officials had failed to maintain order, rather than any responsibility for the deaths of the protesters. The U.S. position was that the "burden of proof must be on coup group to show a substantial possibility of quick success; otherwise, we should discourage them from proceeding since a miscalculation could result in jeopardizing U.S. position in Southeast Asia. The defeat of the South Vietnamese Army of the Republic of Vietnam in a battle in January set off a furious debate in the United States on the progress being made in the war against the Viet Cong in South Vietnam. The report said that VC attacks during the month of March had reached an all-time high of 1,861 and that the attacks were larger in scale and dispersed over a larger area than previously.In response to the shootings in Huế, Buddhist leader Returning to the U.S. after a briefing from General Harkins on the military situation in South Vietnam, Illustrating the strains in the relationship between President Diệm and the U.S. government, Diệm was reported in The U.S. Army issued guidance to its personnel in South Vietnam for dealing with the media. His brother Ngô Đình Nhu sent troops loyal to him to The CIA reported to Washington that "this particular coup is finished." Assessments of the war flowing into the higher levels of the U.S. government in Washington, D.C. were wildly inconsistent, some citing an early victory over the VC, others a rapidly deteriorating military situation. The number of U.S. soldiers in South Vietnam rose to more than 16,000 by year's end with 122 combat deaths in just that year. McNamara had gone from being optimistic about the progress of the war in October to pessimistic in December.Secretary of Defense McNamara said in a report to the President that, "Current trends [in South Vietnam], unless reversed in the next 2–3 months, will lead to neutralization at best and more likely to a Communist-controlled state. Conein also provided funds to the coup leaders. Au Viêt Nam, le chef de l'État porte le titre de « président de l'État » (Le président de l'État, dont le mandat de cinq ans correspond à celui des députés de l'Il a des attributions protocolaires mais possède de nombreux contre-pouvoirs : "President Johnson held his first meeting on Vietnam with senior advisers, the same group with whom former President Kennedy had often met.