According to the disc `extras', it was devised, initially as a series of books, subsequently as this television series, following the success of the television series Desperate Housewives (and before 'Desperate Housewives' became too convoluted and preposterous).
J'avoue qu'au début je ne connaissais pas du tout !
Absolutely addictive!
Fans of horror movies like Sorority Row + I know What You Did Last Summer, and Desperate Housewives will definitely not be disappointed.
Commentaires client.
It's like being on a roller coaster ride. 4,5 étoiles sur 5 393.
Je dirais que Pretty Little Liars s'adresse à un large public(de 13ans à 36ans environ)!
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I was hooked on this series from episode one and have since become a huge fan of the show.
What more can you want from a show? This is the best tv series i have seen for a long time ,and dont let the teen element put you off buying as im way past my teens and still enjoyed this show enormously.Each element of the show works ,the acting is great and the plot twists at every turn,just when you think you have a handle on proceedings something else happens!!!!. More shows like this please!!
Très prenante comme série
Season one is brilliant, I love the pace of the show - even though I am always left dying to know more - I love the characters, and personally feel they all (including secondary characters and particularly, unlike the books, the parents/families) have a lot of depth and you get invested in them really easily.
saison 7 Bande-annonce VO (2)
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