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It was such a great premise for a series that it was just that feeling of the misery that you'd feel if you had a chance to be part of that and didn't take advantage of it. It wasn't gonna be gold, it was gonna be supplies. Notre conviction est qu'une publicité de qualité et bien intégrée dans le design du site sera beaucoup mieux perçue par nos visiteurs.Pour continuer à apprécier notre contenu tout en gardant une bonne expérience de lecture, nous vous proposons soit :Premier volume de "Révolution", une trilogie sur la Révolution française, "Liberté" ressuscite 1789 en se promenant dans tous les étages de la société.

"Revolution (series)" redirects here. It was gonna be this incredible stockpile of supplies.

In the series finale, the stakes are higher than ever as the Patriots prepare for war. Contenu Fenetre It was gonna be this kind of treasure story where they were going to hear a legend of a very mythic treasure.

Everything stopped working.

All the good guys and all the bad guys in the show were going to fight for this gold mine of material and supplies.

I know what Season 1 is. We work hard to protect your security and privacy. It wasn't going to be a war season. We still don't know why the power went out.

Cher lecteur de BDGest The lucky ones made it out of the cities.

Note: And then the power went out.

We relied on it for everything.

For other uses, see

31/01/2019 | 14 planches

On the run from Militia, Nora leads Miles and Charlie back to the Rebel camp. It was going to be great. Fifteen years after a permanent global blackout, a group of revolutionaries seeks to drive out an occupying force posing as the United States Government. Tout sur la série Révolution (Grouazel/Locard) : Premier volume de 'Révolution', une trilogie sur la Révolution française, 'Liberté' ressuscite 1789 en se promenant dans tous les étages de la société.

Vous utilisez « Adblock » ou un autre logiciel qui bloque les zones publicitaires. The show takes place in the post-apocalyptic near-future of the year 2027, 15 years after the start of a worldwide, permanent electrical-power blackout in 2012.

Fear and confusion led to panic. In the summer of 2012, NBC had a voting campaign on On September 4, 2012, New York City's advance screening was held for 1,000 guests, with 80 of them seated on The second season received more positive reviews.

It gave the ending and answered questions left from season 2.

Connexion The third season was made into a 4-part comic book series in 2015.