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By using a template, you get a sense of what information to include in your resume and how to arrange it.
If, for example, you have a knack for graphic design and want to create your own one-of-a-kind resume, then using a template isn’t for you. Resume Assistant uses profiles from LinkedIn as examples for creating a new resume. Free and premium plans.Sales software for closing more deals, faster. This template is available on Freesumes, and is free to users once they share the page to Facebook or Twitter.There isn't a better name for the template below. Premium plans and free trial.Find HubSpot apps for the tools and software you use to run your business.Find a partner in our global community of service providers who can help you grow.Find the right partner program to help your business grow.Stay up to date with the latest marketing, sales, and service tips and news.We're committed to your privacy. Although this section shouldn't include a Of course, if you’re already employed full-time, it’s hard to find the time to apply to a new job opportunity, let alone update your resume to reflect your qualifications. On the contrary, Read on to find out how to make your resume in word, then download one of these amazing resume templates that open directly in Microsoft Word.If you have Microsoft Word installed on your computer, open the program and let it load for a moment.

Resume Assistant uses profiles from LinkedIn as examples for creating a new resume. If that’s the case, you can make a resume without a template in Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Your resume is your first opportunity to make a good first impression, and you don't have much time to make that impression. This makes the resume more visually striking, which could draw attention as hiring managers are evaluating candidates. Using a template can reduce the amount of time you have to spend formatting your document, which allows you to focus on adding content and polishing up your resume so it's perfect. It also includes a skill-level bar, adding a nice visual touch to the template.This resume template is available from Microsoft itself, and it’s one of many free templates the company has prepared for those who depend on Microsoft Office tools to create content. Here are some more examples from MS Word resume template gallery (and other places around the web): 20. Fancy formatting and  Marketing software to increase traffic and leads. Simple but vibrant, this template hugs the text with an artistic header and footer — great for recent graduates who need to fill empty space on the page.This resume embraces simplicity with a slight touch of color to make things a bit more interesting. Green Cube Resume . The rest of the design relies on a simple serif font for easy reading, which is a good thing considering that hiring managers only take Pulling your more text-heavy information off to the side in an attractive color-blocked sidebar, this resume lets your experience stand for itself in white space at the top. The sidebars are in movable text boxes that can even be removed if you wish.This resume takes on a different look than most resumes, centered around a single bar.