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Vernon Dursley rencontre Pétunia Dursley à Londres, alors qu'elle suit des cours de dactylographie. Il a une sœur, Marjorie Dursley. Vernon tried to stop the many attempts of Hogwarts letters from reaching Harry. Griffiths won voor zijn rol in "The History Boys" een Laurence Olivier Award, een Drama Desk Award, een Outer Critics Circle Award en een Tony Award

He used to live at 4 Privet Drive along with his wife and son for twenty years until they were forced into hiding during the escalation of the Second Wizarding War. C’est un moldu. Pétunia adore son fils à qui elle offre de nombreux cadeaux. Vernon was a junior executive at the time.

Vernon treated Harry with indifference, forcing him to reside in the cupboard under the stairs. C’est un moldu.

He did this very correctly on one knee in his mother's sitting room. Dursley, Vernon Mari de Pétunia et père de Dudley. Vernon was a close minded bully who often like to look big and impressive.

Au cours de leurs rendez-vous, il lui parle de lui et de sa vision étriquée du monde extérieur. Vernon was a junior executive at the time. Eventually Harry does go on to attend the freak school as Vernon called it much to his displeasure.

After Petunia's sister Lily and brother-in-law, James Potter, were killed by Voldemort in their own home, Petunia remained the sole surviving blood relative of Harr…

After meeting Petunia,Vernon too… Il la demande en mariage dans le salon de sa future belle-mère, en 1977, mais Pétunia craint sa réaction s'il découvre qui est sa sœur Lily, alors en septième année à Poudlard.

Vernon Dursley was an English Muggle, husband of Petunia Evans, father of Dudley and uncle-in-law of Harry Potter.

Il a une sœur, Marjorie Dursley. La premièr… He is thick brown hair and blue eyes.

Vernon being a muggle did not like anything out of the ordinary and would often call magic "Funny business".

Richard Thomas Griffiths (Thornaby-on-Tees (), 31 juli 1947 – Coventry, 28 maart 2013) was een Engels acteur.Hij won in zijn carrière diverse prijzen waaronder een Tony Award.Griffiths acteerde zowel in films als in het theater. Il a une sœur, Marjorie Dursley. C’est un moldu.

En ce qui concerne son neveu, Harry, elle est loin d’être aussi aimante que pour son fils et ne rate aucune occasion de le blâmer. While out for a snack of battered sausage from the chip shop, Petunia shared with him that her sister Lily was a witch and currently in her 7th year at a magical bording school.

Dursley, Vernon Mari de Pétunia et père de Dudley. Vernon met Petunia Evans during an office job back in London. After meeting Petunia,Vernon took her on a bunch of dull dates,where he would mainly talk about himself and his predictable ideas of the world.After going out with Petunia for a while, Vernon propsed marriage to her.

Vernon is the boyfriend and later on husband to Not much is known about Vernon's early life except that he attended Smelting Academy for boys.Vernon in his school years once made a remark that he found the portions of the food served to be very filling. C’est un homme brusque et bourru qui n’apprécie guère l’univers étrange des sorciers ; en fait, il ne tolère ni les sorciers, ni leur mode de vie, ni les phénomènes étranges qui les entourent.

Vernon Dursley is a muggle born on September 11,1954. Vernon would often tell Harry that his parents died in a car crash.

vernon dursley meets james potter. Vernon has a sister named Marge. Il a des cheveux bruns séparés par une raie bien nette. During the second war Vernon,Petunia and their son Dudley have to leave their home on  4 Private Drive and relocate to safety. During a dinner at the Evans house one evening he met Petunia's freak of a sister Vernon and Petunia only liked things that where considered normal and never tolerated anything out of the ordinary.

Vernon met Petunia Evans during an office job back in London. Vernon would often complain about his coworkers and did not think fondly of any of them.

Vernon works for the Grunning Company ,after recieving employement in 1968.