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Complete table of Scottish Premiership standings for the 2020/2021 Season, plus access to tables from past seasons and other Football leagues. Mal als vierthöchste Fußball-Spielklasse der Herren in Schottland ausgetragen. Die Liga wird offiziell als Scottish League One ausgetragen und ist nach der Premiership und Championship eine der vier Ligen in der Scottish Football League. Gefolgt wird die League One von der League Two.. Due to scheduling pressures caused by the coronavirus pandemic, qualifying rounds were played over just one tie instead of the usual two-leg format.Rangers will enter the second qualifying round of the UEFA Europa League, their opponent is yet to be decided. Oktober 2020 und endet mit dem Finale am 28. La temporada 2019-20 (conocida como Ladbrokes Premiership por razones patrocinio [1] ) fue la 7.° edición de la Scottish Premiership y la 123.º edición del Campeonato escocés de fútbol, la máxima categoría del fútbol profesional en Escocia.La temporada comenzó el 3 de agosto de 2019 y finalizó el 18 de mayo de 2020.

Scottish League Two; Season: 2020–21: Dates: 17 October 2020 – TBC May 2021 ← 2019–20. The final will be played at the Atatürk Olympic Stadium in Istanbul, Turkey.The stadium was originally appointed to host the 2020 UEFA Champions League Final, but this was moved due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The Scottish Professional Football League (SPFL) is the national men's association football league in Scotland.The league was formed in June 2013 following a merger between the Scottish Premier League and the Scottish Football League. Source: Updated to match(es) played on 23 February 2020. La Scottish Premiership 2019-2020 è stata la settima edizione dell'omonima competizione dopo l'abolizione, il 7 luglio 2013, della Scottish Premier League, nonché la 123ª edizione della massima serie del campionato di calcio scozzese.La stagione, iniziata il 3 agosto 2019, è stata conclusa anticipatamente il 18 maggio 2020 a causa dell'emergenza dovuta alla pandemia di COVID-19.

Motherwell will enter the First qualifying round of the UEFA Europa league their opponent is yet to be decided.

Il 13 marzo 2020 la SPFL decreta la sospensione a tempo indeterminato del campionato a causa dell'emergenza dovuta alla La fine della stagione regolare era prevista per il 5 aprile Ladbrokes Premiership and SPFL Season 2019/20 curtailed Mal ausgespielt. Die Liga wird offiziell als Scottish League Two ausgetragen und ist nach der Premiership, Championship und League One eine der vier Ligen in der Scottish Football League. Scottish Professional Football League Latest Tables/Fixtures Defender Danny Devine has returned for a second spell at Inverness CT after leaving Dunfermline Athletic Brechin City have signed winger Connor Coupe from local rivals Forfar Athletic Fixtures for the Betfred Cup group stage have been confirmed, with seven matches live on Premier Sports Februar 2021 im Hampden Park von Glasgow. Alla 16ª giornata il Celtic diventa capolista solitaria sfruttando il pareggio tra Rangers e Aberdeen, nel frattempo salito al terzo posto. Source: Updated to match(es) played on 23 February 2020. Die Scottish League One wird 2020/21 zum 8. Source: First match(es) will be played on 17 October 2020. Der Scottish League Cup wird 2020/21 zum 75. Source: First match(es) will be played on 17 October 2020.

Source: Teams play each other three times (33 matches), before the league is split into two groups (the top six and the bottom six). Le 12 squadre si affrontano in gironi di andata-ritorno-andata, per un totale di 33 giornate. The 2020–21 Scottish League Two will be the eighth season of Scottish League Two, the fourth tier of Scottish football. Mal als dritthöchste Fußball-Spielklasse der Herren in Schottland ausgetragen. Gefolgt wird die League Two von den regionalen Ligen, der Highland und Lowland Football League. Source: First match(es) will be played on 17 October 2020. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the 2020 women's season was declared null and void in July 2020.Updated to match(es) played on 16 August 2020. The 2020–21 season will be the 124th season of competitive football in Scotland.The domestic season will begin on 1 August 2020 with the first round of matches in the 2020–21 Scottish Premiership. Der schottische Fußball-Ligapokal, der unter den Teilnehmern der Premiership, Championship, der League One und League Two sowie den beiden Meistern der Highland-und Lowland Football League ausgetragen wird, beginnt am 6. 2021–22 → 2020–21 Scottish League One The Scottish League One is the third tier of the Scottish Professional Football League , the league competition for men's professional football clubs in Scotland . La Scottish Premiership 2020-2021 è l'ottava edizione dell'omonima competizione dopo l'abolizione, il 7 luglio 2013, della Scottish Premier League, nonché la 124ª edizione della massima serie del campionato di calcio scozzese.La stagione è iniziata il 1º agosto 2020 e terminerà il 15 maggio 2021.Il Celtic è la squadra detentrice del titolo. Al termine le squadre sono divise in due gruppi di 6, in base alla classifica; ogni squadra affronta per la quarta volta le altre del gruppo, per un totale di 38 partite.Il primo girone d'andata si chiude con Celtic e Rangers appaiati al primo posto e già con 9 punti di vantaggio sul Motherwell terzo. Die Scottish League Two wird 2020/21 zum 8.