These records include: baptisms, confirmations, marriages, deaths, indexes, censuses, testaments, inventories, nobility, and land records. The collection includes baptism, marriage, and burial records from the dioceses of Avila, Ciudad Real, Ciudad Rodrigo, Gerona, Lugo, Murcia, and Segovia. Ⓒ 2020 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. Marriage records usually contain the following information:
Parish records are the most common Church record used in family history and genealogical research. Early registers may have some ecclesiastical wording written in Latin, but the main language of the records is Spanish. Parish priests performed the baptisms, marriages, deaths, burials, and other holy sacraments in their assigned parish or parishes. In later years, the records may be handwritten in formatted … Additional indexed records will be published as they become available.
Other records include: confirmations (confimaciones), pre-marriage investigations (expedientes matrimoniales, información matrimonial). Catholicism's roots extend deep into Spain's history. All the original parish records were kept in the parish archive, and a duplicate copy was and is centralized in the corresponding diocesan archive. Confirmations were usually recorded with the baptismal registers but can also be found with deaths and marriages. These records are written in Spanish. Identifying your sources helps others find the records you used.
Entries were created in chronological order with the exception of a few entries. Catholic Church records created by parishes in the Diocese of Cartagena, Spain. For additional information about image restrictions, please see the For help reading these Spanish and Latin records, see the following guides: Because of this there may be limitations on where and how images and indexes are available or who can see them. Other records include: confirmations (confimaciones), pre-marriage investigations (exp… This article describes a collection of records at Baptism records usually contain the following information: This collection of Catholic parish records covers 1307 through 1985. The vast majority of Spaniards are Catholic and so almost every Spaniard can be found in the records of the Catholic Church. Keep track of your research in a The following articles will help you in your research for your family in Citations help you keep track of places you have searched and sources you have found. Marriage blessings (velaciones) are sometimes are found separately. These are sometimes recorded in the parish baptism book, but sometimes they are recorded in their own book(s). The following information may be found in these records: Baptisms, confirmations, marriages, deaths, and miscellaneous documents from parishes in Spain. Some of these records have been indexed and they are searchable as part of this collection. Several parish records have been microfilmed and are currently being digitized. This may require viewing multiple records or images. Catholic Church records created by parishes in the Diocese of Santander, Spain. To learn more about each type of record, click on the name of the record type to be led to another article about that record type. The most used in genealogical research include: baptisms (bautizos, bautismos), marriages (matrimonios), and burials (entierros, defunciones, fallecimientos). For help reading these records please see the following: Most of the parish records in Spain have been preserved relatively well, but some older entries may have some damage. The most used in genealogical research include: baptisms (bautizos, bautismos), marriages (matrimonios), and burials (entierros, defunciones, fallecimientos). The Catholic Church has created several different records. Eventually, all of them will be digitized, so check back frequently. Most of the records were handwritten in narrative style. Parish records include the following: Information found regularly in confirmation records includes the following: In later years, the records may be handwritten in formatted registers. Usually separate registers were maintained for baptisms, marriages, and deaths.
The Catholic Church parish registers were created to record the church sacraments of baptism, marriage, death and burial, and other ordinances pertaining to members within the church jurisdiction. If you speak Spanish, the following free online lesson may be helpful to learn how to use the information in these records: Most of the records were handwritten in narrative style. They are a reliable source for doing genealogical research in Spain. Spain: Flag of the Kingdom of Spain Location of Spain Record Description: Record Type: Catholic Church Records Collection years: 1307-1985 Languages: Spanish: Title in the Language: Registros Parroquiales de la Iglesia Católica en España FamilySearch Resources: Record Finder