Vega warns him about the "stage of death", before escaping. (720p)Super Street Fighter IV AE - Guile's Alternate Rival Cutscene English Ver. Chun-Li is knocked down by M. Bison and is nearly finished off when Cammy saves her and helps her escape with Guile. A court case against the Shadaloo dictator fails when Bison bribes all the judges to let him go free. His commanding officer refuses, and Guile tenders his resignation. Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha - Strange Sunset. Guile escapes the explosion with Ryu and Chun-Li and reunites with the team, knowing that M. Bison was finally gone. Because Guile reminds her of soldiers that wrought havoc in her homeland, Kolin does not have a favorable view of Guile, and the same would be true for Charlie Nash if Charlie were not under her and Illuminati's command. Later, Cammy talks to Guile about the seven Black Moons and their connection to the missing hackers. United States Air Forces from where Guile's carrier is belong. While on Shadaloo island, he is contacted by Cammy, who needs his help but cannot openly assist him as she is attempting to fool Bison into thinking she is under his control. Check out the latest additions My Other Sites. When Guile was a trainee in the United States Air Force, he befriended his superior officer, The two give chase, and follow him into the base, deciding that M. Bison's source of power, the Holding Bison responsible for the death of his best friend, Guile was eager to take revenge on M. Bison, who has somehow survived the explosion. Charlie sacrifices himself in an attempt to kill Bison as Guile helplessly watches. Though the outro is much better.It can be really awesome if you put some more work into it, and maybe break from the source a bit more. Guile is a tough man, both physically and mentally, who takes pride in family, and is a loving husband and father to his family. He tells the grave that although S.I.N. Thinking that Guile is a spy, Abel said that he wouldn't tell someone he doesn't know his secrets and refuses to talk, leading to a fight. (1080p)Street Fighter X Tekken - Guile & Abel's Rival Cutscene English Ver. Charlie, now resurrected, confronts Guile and fights him to get the key. mute max volume. He senses that Vega is nearby and fights him. Ryu invited him to eat Natto once, and when he tasted it (out of respect) he found it disgusting, becoming his most hated food, which Ryu seems to know about, according to one of his Guile gets along well with his brother-in-law, even though he doesn't like Ken's personality, as seen in various win quotes and intro quotes. Later in the series, Guile is recruited by Ken's father along with his friend Charlie (who retains his Japanese name, Nash, in the dub) when Ryu, Ken and Chun-Li are taken captive by Shadaloo. Ken invites him and his family in Guile's superior officer and close friend, Charlie Nash is the one who taught Guile his current fighting style. They subdue Abel, who is under the influence of Psycho Power. Guile is at first skeptical that Shadaloo lives on without Bison's leadership, but soon takes to his new assignment with zeal. General Taylor sends him on a mission to New York with Chun-Li joining to come along. Guile makes a brief appearance in Charlie's ending in During the cutscene before their rival battle against Heihachi and Kuma, Abel makes a "deal" with Heihachi, stating that they will take Kuma if they win - a proposition neither Guile nor Kuma particularly approve of. For Street Fighter EX3 on the PlayStation 2, GameFAQs presents a message board for game discussion and help. headquarters, Guile recovers important data while Chun-Li is trapped by After these events, Guile returns to Charlie's grave, placing a beer bottle on it as a way of buying his old friend a drink. ps: try Tindeck or Mediafire to host your song next time. Both Guile and Abel discover that Shadaloo's next plan is Operation C.H.A.I.N.S, much to their horrible shock, and the lab begins to crumble. Zangief, who had received a key, gave it to a friend in India, so Guile and Zangief go to India to get it. I'm kinda obsessed with that part.I complete re-wrote bass for the verse at least (apart from following the tonics) and came up with a lead for it.I feel like, there's a brick wall with remixing and I definitely need to smash through it to make this decent. Through a carefully woven set of scripted matches, Guile and Chun-Li get themselves eliminated from the tournament and successfully free the Delta Red squadron. Stream Street Fighter EX ~ Strange Sunset (Guile Theme) by Moogle Knights 3 Try Hard from desktop or your mobile device He has a strong mix of solid offense and defense, combined with reliable agility and air grabs. Download Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha - Strange Sunset. When they get the key, they are ambushed by Balrog, Ed, Santamu, and other Shadaloo soldiers. Abel questions Juri about what she's doing there, who taunts him and escapes, telling them there's nothing of worth in the lab. Television Tunes. Guile demands that his superiors to allow him to continue the search. Guile is, at first, far from happy to work with another person on the case, claiming loudly that "Bison's ass is mine", but a friendship builds between the two partners.