Newsletter Publié le 06 mars 2020. Voir le sujet. Farming in our country is largely based on the use of 1- Amina will not succeed a- gave me a reward 2- The student went to school b- It was hot and feverish3- The man whose wallet i found c- where many tourists spend their holidays4-The Doctor touched his forehead d- although he was ill5-This is the small town e- unless she works hard.Consult, malaria, healthy, fight, examining, neat, hospital, prescribe, mosquitoes.d) We could not regret good marks because the exercise was too he prince said that "He had had many difficulties the year before"the fact that i studied (or had studied hard) i still failed the exams.his violent wife (or the violence of his wife), he abandoned the housed) The farmers did not plant the crops. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Anglais
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EPREUVE N°4 Langue Vivante 2 : Anglais Le candidat est libre de commencer par la composante de son choix. I - Complete these sentences with the appropriate words of your own (5 marks). Ajouter au panier. prière de faire partager le site aux élèves You can cross the railway line by walking over a foot path6. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Bonne chance! Un sujet (trop?) 'D: ‘rectiondaE. SVT. 1,28 Mo . Part one: Reading, part two : writing and part three : Language in use. Je suis élève au collège tcheuffa fils de bonaberi et je souhaiterais entrer en possession des anciens probatoire de la série CG pour l'exercer Les points de grammaire abordés sont assez compliqués pour ce niveau, et la notation est assez stricte. Epreuve d'anglais au Brevet 2001 . PROBATOIRE 2012. Most the people who want to lose weight go on a/an 2. Voir le sujet.
Sujet d'Anglais, BEPC, année 2019, Cameroun. By this time tomorrow, he (to arrive)………………………………………Washington DC.Parents should take an active part in children’s education……………………….should teachers (so, neither, nor)The player (whose, whom, which)……………………leg was broken was taken to hospital.Many people in our cities……………………………walking to work because of poverty.
Burkina Faso. Scribd will begin operating the SlideShare business on September 24, 2020 Among all the other tasks they get assigned in college, writing essays is one of the most difficult assignments.
Universidad técnica particular de loja I - COMPREHENSION ECRITE (6 points) Lunchtime at Monroe was always the same. 2019 Anglais BEPC 1997 BEPC 1998 BEPC 1999 BEPC 2000 BEPC 2001 BEPC 2002 BEPC 2003 BEPC 2004 BEPC 2005 BEPC 2006 BEPC 2007 BEPC 2008 BEPC 2009 BEPC 2010 BEPC 2011 BEPC 2012 BEPC 2013 BEPC 2014 BEPC 2015 BEPC 2016 BEPC 2017 Français Histo-Géo Malagasy Mathématiques Physique-Chimie Sujets SVT Téléchargez sujet d'anglais BEPC 2010 et d'autres sujets et corrigés du bepc des années précédentes Détail. a) Emilia loves Linda because she is as innocent.
l5 J EHO“/ Ifll pa . It’s really convenient and helpful.
Ajouter au panier. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Publié le 06 août 2019. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Sujet d'Anglais, BEPC, Zone III, année 2015, Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire.
d) Paris is the nicest city in the world that i haveHe had lost his keys and he couldn't open the door''a) Any girl who fights to marry rich people is a gold b) The killing of one's self can also be called self d) If he knows everything about computers then he is a computer All african families desire children and the arrival of a has got more experience (or is more experienced) than Ngando1.It's taken me a year to save up for my bike (1-d)3- You'll never know how much i longed for us to be friends (3- e)4- He wasn't very handsome, but he made up for it in inthusiasm and charm (4-b)A.
Un sujet (trop?) Comment goes here. Un sujet pour les cracs! FCFA 80 .