Kanal! Its products have continuously redefined the way sausages are made. In 1929, Kalle introduced the first seamless cellulose casing. Kalle also makes casings for vegetarian and vegan fillings, including cheese, tofu (soy protein) and seitan (wheat protein).A prime example of innovation at Kalle is the range of value-added casings. In addition to this core expertise, the Wiesbaden-based company produces sponge cloths, additives and a range of other products for the meat sector and other protein-processing industries.With a successful track record spanning over 150 years, resilience and adaptability are key attributes of Kalle. We offer our employees stability, career development and exciting opportunities as part of a rapidly growing company that combines SME structures with the benefits of a major corporation.Bei der Entwicklung neuer Produkte stehen Kunden-Bedürfnisse, Marktverständnis und innovatives Denken im Mittelpunkt.Thank you to all of our frontline workers. That not only saves time and reduces cost, it also increases product safety. Kalle has built its success on innovation ever since the company was founded in 1863. de → Direct contacts for product areas and regions Kalle GmbH Rheingaustraße 190-196 65203 Wiesbaden T 0049 (0) 611 / 962 - 07 F 0049 (0) 611 / 962 – 9373 info @ kalle. We are grateful for your dedication and hard work! Historia. This rate of growth is several percentage points above the general market trend. Value-added casings are a major driver of growth and easily the fastest-growing segment in the Kalle Group.Since 1997, Kalle has more than quadrupled its annual turnover.
The “Nalo” synthetic casing was a ground-breaking alternative to animal-derived casings and helped to modernize the meat-producing sector. Ich bin der Kalle und du befindest dich auf meinem 2. Moin Moin alla! Today, Kalle holds several hundred patents and continues to work tirelessly on shaping the future of the industry. Kalle specialises in the industrial manufacture of sausage casings. La emisora fue lanzada el 29 de octubre de 2016 en la anterior frecuencia de Blu Radio, 96.9FM de Bogotá.En febrero de 2017, es incluido en el sistema de TDT dentro del canal 14.4. Kalle je česká alternativní hudební skupina, která v roce 2014 vyhrála žánrovou cenu Anděl, udělovanou Akademií populární hudby.Její jméno pochází ze severštiny, přestože to ani nebylo původním cílem, ale název se skupině zalíbil.
Kalle GmbH Rheingaustraße 190-196 65203 Wiesbaden T 0049 (0) 611 / 962 - 07 F 0049 (0) 611 / 962 – 9373 info @ kalle. Kalle is focusing on innovation, especially in the value-added segment, continued regional expansion and the further development of the functional food ingredients category. These products eliminate a number of time-consuming steps in the sausage production process. For example, a casing can be configured to transfer smoke, color, flavor or spices directly onto the surface of the filling. The primary aim is to leverage dynamic market growth, especially in emerging economies, and continue the success the company has enjoyed for more than 150 years.Producing 850 million meters of sausage casings annually, Kalle products could encircle the globe more than 21 times. de → Direct contacts for product areas and regions