(I recommend having 2 to 3 dupes of him so that he can deal out a lot of damage, he can still tank, but I was only able to do 700k to SS2 Gohan with him, so if you want to get it done faster, I recommend having 2 -3 dupes of him, otherwise, its alright if you don't)Even with cards such as these, this is going to be a little rough. UR SSJ Trunks provides a nice support Buff for the whole rotation and shares +5 Ki in Link Skills with the LR. You have no reason not to bring him if you have him (just watch out for him in STR phases)Another good card for this event. This Category increases drops on these events. You do need to SA 14 him at least so he can stack def but if you do, he's going to put up some solid atk stats paired up with really good defense. Still congratsPSN: ChaosInuYasha (make sure you give me fair warning as to where you met me and why you wanna add)Are we kings and queens, or are we merely pawns to be sacrificed and forgotten?---Tell me what you cherish most, give me the pleasure of taking it away---It's hilarious that there are three better choices you could've went with on that team for a leader and you went with Xenogeta lolDamn, did you have set rotations or were you just adapting throughout? He also has a Rage Active Skill where you will easily avoid getting hit for 1 turn and cycle through Goku's attack in order to hopefully change his target to the one you want to get hitThe Exchange Goku/Gohan is easily among the best F2P unit in the game, he not only supports AGL Gohan and gives him the second boost as SS2 but he also stacks DEF himself, allowing him to tank even the strongest Super Attack. However, since this Team includes only Super Cards, any Super Two great Cards that fit these conditions are Resilient Will to Protect the Future - Trunks (Teen) (Future) and Limitless Combat Power - SSJ Vegeta.This Team is extremely strong, and the category is full of great Cards.
I'm also a competitive Super Smash Bros. Melee player who mains Captain Falcon Press alt + / to open this menu. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! This Team has several great alternates, many of which bring great utility and Damage.UR Outburst of Emotions - Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta & Bulma (S. STR) is one of the few Cards in the game with a counterattack mechanic, which can result in tremendous Damage output.Furthermore, their Rage can provide much-needed turn of free Damage. Dokkan Battle Tier List - Vegeta's Family. Extreme Z-Battle: Welcome to Hell Perfect Cell Guide With proper item management and a little bit of luck, this Team can reach pretty far in the Androids/Cell Saga (vs. Androids) Stage of Infinite Dragon Ball History. He gains an ATK and DEF boost of 100% when he super attacks, and gives out Super Class allies ATK 40% when HP is 70% or below. The two only share +2 Ki in Link Skills and 25% in ATK Links once Trunks transforms, but they don’t need a perfectly cohesive rotation to be superstars on the Team.
SSJ Trunks and SSJ Vegeta should be the Team’s floaters.Super Vegeta & Super Trunks are an incredible Card that will excel in longer events with stacking ATK & DEF Buffs. With a reliable stun chance with his Super ATK and being of the best Damage Reduction Cards in the game, this Vegeta has the potential to be the MVP of the Team in the right situation.UR Unwavering Conviction - Super Saiyan Trunks (Future) (S. STR) is a solid choice. King Vegeta art for Dragon Ball Super: Broly. See more of Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on Facebook. Vegeta Family, Saiyan, GT, Super Saiyan 4, Male, SPARKING, Ranged Type, RED, Shadow Dragon Saga (GT), Vegeta… Card Reasoning S1 Unrivaled Saiyan's Peak Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta - Strong tank - Self … Not to mention, he can change all Ki Spheres to PHY, saving you healing items as he will heal back up all your HP, due to being the same type as PHY.
I'm also a competitive Super Smash Bros. Melee player who mains Captain Falcon Press alt + / to open this menu. Find all the Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Game information & More at DBZ Space! This Team has several great alternates, many of which bring great utility and Damage.UR Outburst of Emotions - Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta & Bulma (S. STR) is one of the few Cards in the game with a counterattack mechanic, which can result in tremendous Damage output.Furthermore, their Rage can provide much-needed turn of free Damage. Dokkan Battle Tier List - Vegeta's Family. Extreme Z-Battle: Welcome to Hell Perfect Cell Guide With proper item management and a little bit of luck, this Team can reach pretty far in the Androids/Cell Saga (vs. Androids) Stage of Infinite Dragon Ball History. He gains an ATK and DEF boost of 100% when he super attacks, and gives out Super Class allies ATK 40% when HP is 70% or below. The two only share +2 Ki in Link Skills and 25% in ATK Links once Trunks transforms, but they don’t need a perfectly cohesive rotation to be superstars on the Team.
SSJ Trunks and SSJ Vegeta should be the Team’s floaters.Super Vegeta & Super Trunks are an incredible Card that will excel in longer events with stacking ATK & DEF Buffs. With a reliable stun chance with his Super ATK and being of the best Damage Reduction Cards in the game, this Vegeta has the potential to be the MVP of the Team in the right situation.UR Unwavering Conviction - Super Saiyan Trunks (Future) (S. STR) is a solid choice. King Vegeta art for Dragon Ball Super: Broly. See more of Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on Facebook. Vegeta Family, Saiyan, GT, Super Saiyan 4, Male, SPARKING, Ranged Type, RED, Shadow Dragon Saga (GT), Vegeta… Card Reasoning S1 Unrivaled Saiyan's Peak Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta - Strong tank - Self … Not to mention, he can change all Ki Spheres to PHY, saving you healing items as he will heal back up all your HP, due to being the same type as PHY.