As for the Completed SSB, manga fans are hesitant to jump on-board with the theory because of Vegeta’s new aura. Vegeta uses the wellsprings of his self-concern to take on a god-like form where he's in control of himself in every way he can be in a conscious manner, and he becomes something far greater than he ever was, or this corrupts him, and he becomes a divinely evil version of himself and we see him become a villain for Goku to best yet again. That's exactly what Goku has done, and why it's seemingly increasingly unlikely that this power will be available to Vegeta.It seems like the only way that Vegeta could access it is by forming with Goku to create Gogeta during some horrible cataclysmic event the likes of which the Z Fighters haven't ever seen.Since Vegeta is so prone to prideful behavior, the only way for him to access Ultra Instinct potential is to let go of everything, including himself. Vegeta has to get rid of all his goals, all of his prideful notions of self, to make things happen, and that's not something he's likely to be able to do, unfortunately.Vegeta has to get rid of any striving that he has if he wants to reach Ultra Instinct, but, how do you get something you want if the whole strategy for getting it means not wanting it? But, if it does, what will Vegeta become? He's the air to the throne of the since-destroyed planet Vegeta. But Whis also states that Ultra Instinct is not suited for Vegeta. Naruto: 5 Times We Hated Sakura (& 5 Times We Loved Her) This isn't necessarily a negative though since there is a very real and very interesting potential alternative.It only makes sense that Vegeta won't be able to let go enough to achieve Ultra Instinct, but what if his greatest flaw here is actually his greatest strength? Even one of the staff members did respond to this query. The Ultra Instinct energy ultimately flows through the user and as soon as one starts to consider which attacks would be most effective or how to dodge, Ultra Instinct will recede.Since Vegeta knows everything that Goku knows after his training with Whis, it would make sense that Vegeta could easily tap into the power that Ultra Instinct is presenting to him, and, since there's only one thing that truly matters to Vegeta which is power, he should very, very easily be able to do it.That being said, there's one major personality quirk that Vegeta holds which would be able to stop him from achieving his Ultra Instinct transformation. Ultra Instinct seems to happen of its own accord and doesn't really seem like it's something that can be willed to happen, especially since it seems like you need to let go of your sense of self to let it work through you.Since it's been a pattern that almost every form Goku has the ability to tap into is one that Vegeta will eventually figure out to use for himself, it only follows based on precedent that someday Vegeta will be able to use Ultra Instinct, too. A person much more like Goku?Since Vegeta faces all these barriers that the pure-hearted Goku doesn't have to deal with, we can probably assume that Vegeta won't achieve Ultra Instinct. Perhaps Vegeta's primary motivator throughout Dragon Ball is his jealousy toward Goku's superior fighting abilities and power. It only makes sense that Vegeta won't be able to let go enough to achieve Ultra Instinct, but what if his greatest flaw… Even one of the staff members did respond to this query. Not if you agree with the Manga. Vegeta fans can definitely expect a new power-up.If Vegeta’s new form will either turn out to be Ultra Instinct or a new technique that he has mastered. That being said, these two haven't always had the same transformations; some Goku has Vegeta doesn't, and vice versa. We find out thanks to Whis that Ultra Instinct is, by its very nature, not something you can strive for. A lot of you must be thinking if it really is possible. There is no awareness of self. "Secret of selfishness "Omen""), is an incomplete transformation used by Goku during the Universe Survival Saga.