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This version of Vegeta is post-Yardrat Training, meaning before he fights Moro in the Manga, versus a full-powered Jiren as he showed during the Tournament of Power.Fight takes place on a deserted, unbreakable planet when both combatants can go all-out.Jiren most likely.

Jiren has more accolades as well. Jiren has more accolades as well. Vegeta is only more powerful than Sign Ultra Instinct Goku but so is Jiren. Jiren most likely. Jiren still for now. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Like Vegeta did get stronger but what really made him get the advantage was forced spirit fission and without it I highly doubt he would have done any considerable damage to Moro. Vegeta is only more powerful than Sign Ultra Instinct Goku but so is Jiren.