Jiren has no interest in Kefla and thinks fighting her is unnecessary. If you're lucky maybe I'll simply make you pop myself... if not... then I suppose it would only be appropriate that I force a glory hog like you to eat yourself to death..."Another day went by, and another couple hundred pounds were added onto the once slime saiyan warrior's frame.This time, at the least, Buu managed to keep his rotund slave active.
Just a little something to go with these old pics I drew and to tide you all over until I finally finish my other two Vegito stories!Edit: Decided to seperate this one from my random Buff Vegito stories as it became a bit more involved than I had anticipated.It also feels more heavily vore focused than I had intended and a bit gross, so I figured I'd put it someplace where anyone who gets more squeamish at that sort of thing wouldn't have to see it.Let me know if you guys want me to continue this story, and if I should make it kinky/sexual, or keep it a bit more tame!This is a trial story: a team of Time Patrollers is called to investigate a prison in an isolated area of space lost to history. He groaned absentmindedly as those fingers crept up to his chest, rubbing tenderly at his breast-like moobs, cupping and groping them as Buu laughed from within, "I can feel your shame, Vegito... every last bit of it... hahaha! by plushstar101 Follow. Other times, Vegito had some warning of when he going to be forced into committing acts of mass destruction, mostly during the moments where Buu would simply hurl his heavy, bloated body through a nearby wall like the world's fattest wrecking ball. Grunting in slight panic, he frowned as his arm was forced to rise in front of him, a bright blue beam flashing from his palm and striking a bank down the street, alarms ringing out as its facade was completely obliterated.Buu cackled at the small tick of fear he had felt surge through Vegito's mind at the blast, forcing him to take a big bite out of the rich slice of chocolate cake the saiyan still held in his other hand, "You poor, pathetic cow. So eat up Vegito! He had seen many strange and terrible things over those years, but nothing nearly like this.Earlier that day, around the lunch rush, the place had been packed. Wanting to test her new power, Kefla shows her immense speed, enough to catch Super Saiyan God Goku completely off guard. What happened next though would scar the man for life. Zephleit here. "Grunting, Vegito looked up at the sign reading 'West Side Bakery' as he was forced to lumber towards the shop's entrance. The saiyan's undergarments had ripped to shreds long ago, their remains still possibly trapped between those elephantine buttocks, but at this point it hardly mattered. But I need more.
Barely even acknowledging the terrified cook, Majin Buu forced his captive hero to wolf down every last morsel, making Vegito lick every drop of grease and oil from his empty plates as he waited for his next meal. Share. Majin Buu/Vegito; Vegito (Dragon Ball) Majin Buu; Muscle Growth; Vore; Summary. So let's take this body through another course or twelve of desserts, see how much it can really handle! Kefla (ケフラ Kefura) is the Potara fusion of Kale and Caulifla. Lots and lots of crack ships and lemons. "Much, much better!" He laughed, "I'm sure the old way in still works though! Kefla is one of the most powerful fusions in the entire series alongside After Kefla is formed Champa states that she is Universe 6's true trump card. The hero's gut was already so big that the edge of the table was digging into it, so Buu's movements inside of it was doing little favors to the saiyan's comfort, "Oh but you have plenty to gain, don't you Vegito?" A rude, fat, whale of a man who can barely stop gorging himself to breath! Though hidden from view behind the bulk of his body and the table itself, the man's now almost bare buttocks were also enormous, swollen with thick fat, so large and heavy that they were actually bending and crushing the back of the booth seat that he sat in. That weight was permanent now, and Buu wasn't even done, "Please...""Please Buu... just stop..." Vegito growled out, "Even somebody as awful as you... hff... Is better than this... Give me a fair fight at least... ohhgh... Not these cheap... tricks..."The Majin merely laughed at the saiyan, "I don't think so Vegito.
What a shame... huff... unngh... Looks like I'll be taking my business elsewhere..." He groaned, taking a large bite out of a piece of blueberry pie, filling spilling down his chins as he moaned with guttural pleasure before his eyes met the chef's again, that strange flash of pink shimmering over his irises once more, "You on the other hand... Ooof... UURRP! Kefla's hairstyle is a mixture of both of those owned by the female Saiyans, being spiky like Caulifla's with bangs framing both sides of her face while the majority of her hair is held up in a ponytail like Kale's. "Kibito looked up at the older Kai and rubbed his forehead, grinding his teeth in frustration, "You're absolutely sure of that? Share. You should see how far you've come! The author would like to thank you for your continued support.