We’ve never seen anything like it. The majority of the victims we treat are not victims of war, but of a massacre. We know about the ethnic war between Hutus and Tutsis, but there's a political war raging too. This is a political conflict. This medical unit is based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Our medical guidelines are based on scientific data collected from MSF’s experiences, the World Health Organization (WHO), other renowned international medical institutions, and medical and scientific journals.Find important research based on our field experience on our dedicated Field Research website.The Manson Unit is a London, UK-based team of medical specialists who provide medical and technical support, and conduct research for MSF.Providing epidemiological expertise to underpin our operations, conducting research and training to support our goal of providing medical aid in areas where people are affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or excluded from health care.Evaluation Units have been established in Vienna, Stockholm, and Paris, assessing the potential and limitations of medical humanitarian action, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of our medical humanitarian work.The Luxembourg Operational Research (LuxOR) unit coordinates field research projects and operational research training, and provides support for documentation activities and routine data collection.The Intersectional Benchmarking Unit collects and analyses data about local labour markets in all locations where MSF employs people.To upskill and provide training to locally-hired MSF staff in several countries, MSF has created the MSF Academy for Healthcare. They died of hunger here in the camp. We have yet to hear the French State call on the torturers in Kigali and Butare to stop, and I must stress that we find this extremely shocking.PPDA: And for the moment you can’t, of course, assess how many have been killed, because the sources are extremely far apart and there are very few journalists who can see what’s going on. That’s why we decided to write an open letter to the President of the Republic, because, clearly, the humanitarian organisations can’t cope with this horror alone. BRAMU specialises in neglected tropical diseases, such as dengue and Chagas, and other infectious diseases.
»Another refugee: "The rations are being trafficked. »A woman (MSF), discussing a young girl with a refugee: "She's got no possessions? »MSF/AZG - Dr Rony Zachariah testimony about massacre of MSF Rwandan staff during the genocide (English)16 May 1994 - TF 1 - Interview Dr. Jean-Hervé Bradol - MSF France Programme manager on French government’s lack of involvement to stop the “genocidaires” (French/English)16 May 1994 - TF 1 - Interview Dr. Jean-Hervé Bradol, MSF France Programme manager (French)Patrick Poivre d’Arvor: With us this evening is a doctor who set up MSF’s surgical outpost in Kigali on 13 April. Find professional Rwanda Genocide videos and stock footage available for license in film, television, advertising and corporate uses. Philippe Gaillard reports, one of the rare Western journalists we can still reach in Kigali, the capital:Philippe Gaillard (ICRC delegate): We've made contact with the authorities in Kigali, who are currently doing what’s required by passing messages via Rwanda's two main radio stations, the national station and the ‘radio-télévision libre des Milles Collines’, asking people to calm down, respect civilians, arrest suspects - if there are any, handing them over to the appropriate authorities, and lastly to respect the wounded, whoever they might be, and help the Rwandan Red Cross and International Committee of the Red Cross do their work.
This is an unprecedented catastrophe even in the 20 years that we have seen of war, death and horror.PPDA: Thank you very much, Jean-Hervé Bradol. He is accused of funding Hutu militias that massacred about 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus in 1994. The 84-year-old never spoke to neighbours and would only venture out of his apartment occasionally. Not even a blanket? There are no survivors. Could you tell us about what you saw there? Whenever genocide has occurred, individuals have risked their own lives to save others. Hundreds of thousands of Rwandans continue to pour out of the country. I believe this description is the final insult to the victims. We've known since December that we're heading straight for a famine, it was predictable, written on the wall, and probably deadly. Learn how Gisimba, with the help of American aid worker Carl Wilkens, managed to protect, care for, and save some 400 people.Find information on historical cases of genocide and other atrocities. How can their courage inspire us to defy genocide?The story of how Simone Weil Lipman was able to save thousands of Jewish children during the Holocaust is a starting point for an exploration of what it takes to defy genocide. Getty Images offers exclusive rights-ready and premium royalty-free analog, HD, and 4K video of the highest quality. This Guide explains the terms, concepts, and rules of humanitarian law in accessible and reader-friendly alphabetical entries.The MSF Paediatric Days is an event for paediatric field staff, policy makers and academia to exchange ideas, align efforts, inspire and share frontline research to advance urgent paediatric issues of direct concern for the humanitarian field.The MSF Foundation aims to create a fertile arena for logistics and medical knowledge-sharing to meet the needs of MSF and the humanitarian sector as a whole.A collaborative, patients’ needs-driven, non-profit drug research and development organisation that is developing new treatments for neglected diseases, founded in 2003 by seven organisations from around the world.Their brothers, parents and children were savagely slaughtered in Burundi.
What's needed, in our opinion, is something along the lines of the United Nations forces known as UNAMIR, the contingent currently stationed in Kigali.