Residence permit or receipt + 2 copies (for foreigners residing in France ) Agreement / contract of employment at par with exact address in Germany two copies You can find information about employment agencies at par on the website A 'Vander Elst visa ' is a visa issued to foreign nationals in the European Union employed by a French company and sent for a fixed-term mission to Germany while remaining under French employment contract. Here are the documents to apply for a German Freelance visa: Duly completed national visa application form.
The address where you apply for a residence permit is the Local Foreigner’s Authority “The residence permit for freelancing can be extended for up to three complete years. The French documents must be translated into German.Applicants must appear in person at the Consular Section of the German Embassy and make the following documents: certificate of registration for the language course + 2 photocopies Support established exclusively by a German agency ( the foreigners , embassy, consulate general ) or a scholarship certificate ( an amount equivalent to at least 638 euros per month) or a bank statement proving the availability of an amount of 638 € per month The applicant must be between 18 and 24 years, have basic knowledge of the German language level A1 attested by a corresponding certificate of Goethe Institute or one of its representatives / partner organizations. 520 likes. Les demandes de visa déposées en Allemagne sont instruites par le Consulat général de France à Francfort. Australie (avec les Îles des Cocos, l’Île Norfolk et l’Île Christmas) **Mariannes du Nord (Îles) (États fédérés de Micronésie, Mariannes, Carolines, y compris Palaos)Nouvelle-Zélande (y compris les Îles Cook, Nioué et les Îles Tokelau)**Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord (avec les Îles anglo-normandes, l’Île de Man et les Bermudes)*; *****Espagne* (y compris les places de souveraineté espagnole en Afrique du Nord, avec Ceuta et Melilla)États-Unis d’Amérique (y compris les Îles Vierges américaines, les Samoa américaines, Guam et Porto Rico)**France* (y compris la Guyane française, la Polynésie française, la Guadeloupe, la Martinique, la Nouvelle-Calédonie, la Réunion et Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon)After arrival and installation in Germany, they must simply register with the Home Office statement upon which their home.
France-visas is a single portal with all the information you need process and help you every step of the way (preparing the application, entering details, submitting and tracking the application).. ... Nationals of States outside the European Union residing … Information / Resumption of visa issuance. Incomplete application files (photocopies or original documents missing ) or sent by mail will not be processed No action is to do in France . It can be converted into a residence permit while your visa is valid. The procedure is the same as applying for any German visa. You have almost none working protocols to follow. Plus de soucis de voyager. This may happen only if you can get the permit to pursue the intended self-employment activity.You must typically submit the application for a freelance visa at the German Embassy or Consulate in the country where you currently live.
Since 2008, foreigners domiciled in Switzerland may enter Germany and other signatories of the Schengen Agreement and stay for short stays of up to three months with their passport and residence permit issued by Switzerland and this, without any additional visa. Applicants wishing to stay in Germany to study and do not match the cases mentioned above must submit the following documents: French residence permit valid accompanied by 2 copies certificate of registration in a German institution of higher education or equivalent Proof of sufficient knowledge of German (level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) with two photocopies or proof of registration in a preparatory language course in the first year of studies with two photocopies Official support of declaration by a German organization (foreign service said Ausländerbehörde, the embassy or consulate general) or a scholarship certificate (in the amount of € 638 minimum per month) or a bank certificate proving existence of a blocked account in Germany stocked up to € 638 a month for a year (for long-term studies) All applicants must appear in person at the Consular Section and legal of the German Embassy and make all documents Applicants must appear in person at the Consular Section of the Embassy training agreement with the exact address in Germany + 2 copies Certificate of the central service of the Federal Agency for employment placement , Zentralstelle für Arbeitsvermittlung - ZAV , Studentenvermittlung 212, 53107 Bonn - ( if the applicant already has in its possession ) As appropriate, additional documents may be requested.