Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal.Wir konnten Ihre Stimmabgabe leider nicht speichern. | Rating: 3.5/5
Time to review another one of my personal favorite movies, and a film that I believe is incredibly underrated in light of its quality and memorability.
January 9, 2019 | The brother's father, an ex drunk and abusive husband, falls off the wagon after a huge row with Tommy, and this is absolutely heart wrenching to watch, as Tommy takes care of his father. Maximiliano Hernandez Tom Hardy trainierte sich für die Rolle des Tommy Conlon über 12,5 kg an Muskelmasse an.Der Film startete am 9. © 1998-2020,, Inc. oder Tochtergesellschaften We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your email. The tension between the main characters and the non-fight story is just as good.Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 31. Warrior jedoch gehört zu meinem Routineprogramm dazu und ergreift mich jedes mal aus neue. The action in Warrior may be some of the best action I've seen in any sports drama, maybe even any action movie.
A film that could so easily have followed the clichéd pattern of so many sports melodramas (particularly the boxing genre) this one manages to add a few twists that carries it above the expected norm. Prime-Mitglieder genießen Zugang zu schnellem und kostenlosem Versand, tausenden Filmen und Serienepisoden mit Prime Video und vielen weiteren exklusiven Vorteilen. The values of this film are in the right casting and the dry, essential style where there is no big emphasys or easy melodrama, or not even too many sport cliché. Dann jedoch stellt sich ausgerechnet Brendan, Paddys zweiter Sohn, dem Duo in den Weg. Fight fans and alpha males will love it and want to watch it again and again.
Edgerton and Hardy both deliver performances worthy of such immediate and unfettered adoration, bulking up characters that must've been thin on the page with an authentic grit that allows for a little movie star charisma to sneak in. Warrior is a poweful and intimate family drama, with still not famous stars at that time, yet already very promosing. Agent De Leon is the perfect version of a Latin 007, he is once again in a dangerous mission and its outcome may determine the future of the world. Tommy Roiordan, a marine on the run, asks his father to train him for a MMA tournament where the winner gets $5 million - he wants it to support the family of a former marine and friend who was killed by friendly fire in Iraq. The fight scenes are dull and finish after 2 min. April 1, 2020 Edgerton was much easier to sympathize with. - The hard knocks Tom's character has thrown off in order to aim himself towards the competition fight, demonstrate the endurance of the human spirit, - the film in its entirety is so well written and crafted, the less is more. these people are obviously those who have to be an individual and put the film down just for the sake of being that guy.
Perhaps this is because the film is an advocate of mixed martial arts and does not wish to detract from the sport or play into the hands of those who consider the sport to be barbaric. Although it isn't explored in great depth in the film, Tommy is the more damaged of the brothers, following a friendly fire incident in his time in the Marines, of which he was the only survivor. Mai 2020 For me , more blood would have been more authentic and made the sheer drama even more riveting. Both characters are developed to give audience members a difficult time choosing who to cheer for in the fight. Very highly recommended. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal.Wir konnten Ihre Stimmabgabe leider nicht speichern. tom hardys Trapeziues wow ....... Rotten tomatoes have this on at 83% = joke